Most Pro's can't line up because they don't understand that a clubface that is 90 degrees to the plane line/target line POINTS a couple of degrees left of the target. (unless they use a putter with 0 loft) So they have to manipulate the clubface during impact interval.
Scotty Cameron Putter Fitting data - 2 pros out of 100 actually aimed the CLUBFACE straight down the target line - (and Badds was one of them -wonder why he putts it so good) and these guys are the best in the world, so what are they - Experts in hand manipulation!
If you aim the clubface straight down the targetline then the face better be a couple of degrees open.
Most Pro's can't line up because they don't understand that a clubface that is 90 degrees to the plane line/target line POINTS a couple of degrees left of the target. (unless they use a putter with 0 loft) So they have to manipulate the clubface during impact interval..
Hand manipulation...........what must be done? Block?
Do most putters have loft? If so, why if it causes one to aim left. You'd think putters with no loft would be more available if it squares you up.
i think is have to disagree with Twitch. if the club is set to its correct lie angle, and the face is set 90* to the target line, then the face will be facing the target. as soon as the face changes from its correct lie angle, it will start to look away from the target. toe down = to the right. toe up = to the left
even more so with shorter clubs
can see how this can theoretically be true, IF you are talking about lining up the TOP edge of the putter perpendicular to the target line.
nitpicking putting this much isn't helpful. All this assumes that the player picks a perfect line and speed. If you don't have those it doesnt matter if your aim is off fractionally.
nitpicking putting this much isn't helpful. All this assumes that the player picks a perfect line and speed. If you don't have those it doesnt matter if your aim is off fractionally.
Most Pro's can't line up because they don't understand that a clubface that is 90 degrees to the plane line/target line POINTS a couple of degrees left of the target. (unless they use a putter with 0 loft) So they have to manipulate the clubface during impact interval.
Scotty Cameron Putter Fitting data - 2 pros out of 100 actually aimed the CLUBFACE straight down the target line - (and Badds was one of them -wonder why he putts it so good) and these guys are the best in the world, so what are they - Experts in hand manipulation!
If you aim the clubface straight down the targetline then the face better be a couple of degrees open.
I can see how this can theoretically be true, IF you are talking about lining up the TOP edge of the putter perpendicular to the target line.
For example, take an iron and instead of lining up the leading edge to the target line, line up the topline perpendicular to the target line. Where is the leading edge? Pointing left. The more loft the iron has, the more it points left.
But with a putter, there is so little loft, that it is hard to tell (at least I can't tell) a difference between where the leading edge is pointing and where the top of the putter is pointing.
Great point Twitchy. Marcus is correct! However is address position the same as impact position? Very few players are the same so they need to manipulate putter fitting is ajoke really unless you deal with a decent technique, although you can help hackers a little with weight and length etc.