most important move

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"4. Have perfect hip motion, both in slide vs. open and start-down"


What's this Brian?? I don't get it.....vs. open???


O mean slicers have no hip slide? They just open?
#3 if that doesnt happen who cares about the other moves. you definately want your hands coming down on the plane that you chose to start your ball on, whatever that may be.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
bantamben2 said:
#3 if that doesnt happen who cares about the other moves. you definately want your hands coming down on the plane that you chose to start your ball on, whatever that may be.

If you have proper clubface control your hands will travel downplane that is what Brian is getting at.

You'd be surprised how many faults can be fixed from better clubface control:

plane issues
hip motion
jim_0068 said:
If you have proper clubface control your hands will travel downplane that is what Brian is getting at.

You'd be surprised how many faults can be fixed from better clubface control:

plane issues
hip motion

what does proper clubface control have to do with being on plane. clubface control is the easy part as long as you dont fight it. i can hit 30 yard pushes or 30 yard pulls dead straight almost everytime if i want to, i never manipulate the clubface just the plane, remember yoda's hammer drill on the way the wrist cock and release in the martee makeover very good drill even if you had a too strong grip or too weak you would be consistent if you just relased the club on the plane you start it down on

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
bantamben2 said:
what does proper clubface control have to do with being on plane. clubface control is the easy part as long as you dont fight it. i can hit 30 yard pushes or 30 yard pulls dead straight almost everytime if i want to, i never manipulate the clubface just the plane, remember yoda's hammer drill on the way the wrist cock and release in the martee makeover very good drill even if you had a too strong grip or too weak you would be consistent if you just released the club on the plane you start it down on

The better clubface control the better your plane will be that i would have been with poor clubface control. You'd be amazed how fast OTT slicers become straight to slight drawers of the ball when all you do is give them a little clubface control.

I have fixed more plane issues with proper clubface control than i have by fixing the the plane issue.
my point is just that as the question was downswing move, even if you have a perfect position at the top with a perfect clubface you can still come over the top or drop it inside if you dont come down the plane.
I guess AJ Bonar is right You dont have to worry about anything but squaring the clubface. Soooo each individual has to have his own way of doing it as long as its square. Hips,plane,left side,right side, whatever. Now what is the easiest way to do it so you can repeat it???????????....joe
Jim, can you explain how you teach someone proper clubface control, especially those of us who tend to fade the ball and want a little draw with our irons? Do you use wedding ring up, knuckles dragging the ground, catch the rain drops, etc.?
i beleive trying to control the clubface on the downswing is what most people already do, the trick is to have proper alighnments at the top of swing so you dont have to try to manipulate the face on the way down just let it go on the plane you want to start the ball on.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
c21heel said:
Jim, can you explain how you teach someone proper clubface control, especially those of us who tend to fade the ball and want a little draw with our irons? Do you use wedding ring up, knuckles dragging the ground, catch the rain drops, etc.?

Lots of chips and pitches teaching hinge motion and the twist away motion.
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