My 1st swing video, please comment

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I was fitted for a driver this past week and they found that I had way too much backspin on my drives. It was above 5000 on the backspin, they recommended a stiff flex in a 75 gram. I have about a 118 swing speed. Does their recommendation make sense? Thanks you for the help

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I can't watch your video at work but i'll tell you one thing, you need an X flex. Too soft of a shaft at your swing speed can cause the face to never close enough and you'll leave it open at impact creating excess spin.

Also if you have the ball too far back in your stance and you are not hitting it towards low point with enough axis tilt you can create a lot of spin with too steep of an attack.
Thanks for your reply Jim, I was thinking the same as you with the X flex but wasnt sure. I really appreciate the input and am currently hunting down an X flex 75 gram shaft.

Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
It would help to post a chip / pitch / iron and drive

If I were you I would start at address routine - learn to walk into the ball properly - then focus on zone 1 and geometry
Thanks for your reply, I will try and take some more video with the irons. Can you elaborate on the setup and geometry part?
Brian I hit a slice sometimes and thats why I went for the fitting. They set me up with a Taylormade 9 degree draw and that seemed to get me down the middle consistently.
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