My "Fit in" move - any insight is appreciated

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Chris Sturgess

New member
back to martins swing, first thing is that you look to straighten up alot through the hit. now the hands and arms look absolutely fine with a great impact position.

standing up usually means there is a fairly wide attack into the ball. maybe a sweep or circle delivery path.

if you can build more of a snap release or a later release with more trigger delay than you wont have to stand up as much

He stands up because he's swinging inside out and has to make room, thus the term fit in move. A snap release or later release is totally irrelevant.
Guys, I played 9 holes today and drove it pretty good!

I feel really "over the top" and very steep. No lefties:) I'll try and post an "after" swing.

I appreciate the time and insight.


Chris Sturgess

New member
Well fortunately feel is probably not real in this case. Despite feeling like Craig Parry playing a dogleg right you probably look very normal.
litmus test

Okay, just got back from a Pro Am in Reno. Shot 75, 71. Drove the ball well. Hit a FADE for two days that started left and came back to center. Not one hook. A couple of pulls, but the ball wasn't spinning left. The face just matched the path too much.

How 'bout dem apples?

If I putt and chip like human, I shoot 69, 65. I had 69 putts for two days and was 4 for 14 in up and downs. Now I'm not too worried about those stats as that is an anomaly, but it was good to hit it well.

THANKS FOR THE HELP AND SHOWING ME WHAT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS. It's like telling a fat guy he needs to go on a diet. I know it, but I needed a little encouragement!

Yours truly,

Martin "The Slicer" Chuck
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I am glad you posted a reference to the D-Plane and the extent of the clubface to an uncompromised body maximization. Great post and keep spreading the good word!
Matt Kluck
Someone define D-plane in laymen's terms. Everytime I feel like I got this TGM stuff figured out, all of you have to post more information on something that I haven't heard before. The learning process will continue til eternity...
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