quote:Originally posted by brianman
How are you hitting it Jimbo?
Ok....report from the weekend of golf:
HORRIBLE....my little tendencies i came to you with last week showed up this weekend and i was topping just about every shot. Like a bad case of the shanks, except i had the thins or the tops lol.
However towards sunday a friend helped me and told me i was taking it way outside and setting up with my hands too high like i was when i came ot see you.
So i started practicing in the shop with a cardboard box and using the "up the wall" takeaway and i was crashing into the wall A LOT. So i was really practicing the takeaway to get it right. However i feel that going "up the wall" is too close my outside takeaway bad move and i settled on a slightly (very slightly) more inside takeaway while employing a dragaway takeaway.
Once i started doing that contact was better but low. So then i noticed i was laid off again. Once i got my backswing back on plane it was MONEY. Couldn't stop flushing shots.
Then it dawned on me that what i was doing in the shop is what i was doing in the fall. Very slightly inside takeaway, with an almost immeidately folding right elbow that takes me to the top and keeps me on plane. So i started working on that and on sunday (i played friday, saturday, sunday) i almost made my first hole in one on a 143 yard par 3.
So i just need to practice it a little more and i'll be fine. I know you said that going inside is no good with the swing but it is very very slightly inside and keeps me away from the outside move which LITERALLY kills any chance of a good shot.
I plan to play a little this weekend if the weather is good and i'll report back again.
oh, also i am starting to learn how to vary my driver trajectory by how much i tilt through impact like you said. It made it very easy to hit low boring draws into a 30mph wind i was playing in sat/sun