My Swing - 7 Iron DTL

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My Swing - [media][/media]

I frequent here quite a bit but rarely post. I enjoy much of the great information that is given out for free. I'm currently a freshman in college and I have been playing golf seriously now for 4 or 5 years. After my first two years I haven't really gotten much better, but I've been able to shoot in the low 80's pretty consistently, and I've shot 80 twice already this year. My swing seems to come and go. I know i used to have a problem with over-rotating/sucking it inside, but I haven't seen my swing on video in a long time. I wasn't that surprised to see that my swing hasn't changed much, and I still have some of the same faults even though I have read about not over rotating the left arm wedge, and also about not "popping-out". I have bought the soft draw pattern and tried to implement it earlier in the season with little success. My misses tend to be thin and fats...and in either direction. Either toe hooks or push slices. But I do have day's where I can hit it pretty straight. I'm just looking for some direction and things to work on. Thanks,

I'm sure will get some advice from one or more of the Manzella Instructors, or other actual Instructors on the forum. I will offer up a couple of observations.

Your posture doesn't look athletic. You have too much knee flex at address and are too bent over. You are flexible in the extreme, so why add in that much knee flex.

You are overdoing it. Backswing too long, follow through just too much. You can do this because of your flexibility and the fact that your swing is, essentially, all arms.

Your initial backswing move is to move your hands and arms before your core.
Sequence is the key. Backswing should be hips, then core, then Arms. Downswing is the reverse.

Those are my tidbits.
I'm going out tomorrow and will try to get a face-on. Thanks for the reply's thus far. I am going to work on my posture in the mirror right after I post this. Thanks,

Whoa! Don't make this common mistake. So far you have one set of observations. What if they are wrong?

I would wait until you have more information. Particularly, I would wait until a couple of actual Instructors way in.
About the posture and "overswing" mentioned above:

The first thing that stands out to me in your swing is your flexibility! Holy crap dude. . . you have the flexibility of the top 20% on Tour.

Just having this DTL view makes it hard for me to comment on an overswing. Most golfers can't get the club to that angle without having some reverse spine angle at the top. But some (you might be included) are flexible enough to do so with out a reverse pivot (see Mickelson pre 2007). If that is the case, don't mess with it. If you can maintain the essential alignments with your pivot, left wrist, and left arm flying wedge then I say don't change a thing about the amount of backswing you have. Academy Instructors?

I can't really can't comment on your posture. But I can say you have a major dip in your pivot as you transition. (see Tiger) I am not experienced enough to tell you if this is posture related or a compensation for other faults of the swing. I can't even tell you if it is bad. Just that it is there. You do arch your back at the last second to save the shot. (i think this is because of the dip at transition)

I know I can't be of much help as far as fixes but I can tell you what I observed. Here is the most important thing I can say. . . You have enough natural talent, (only playing for 2 years? really?) and a drive to improve that the sky is the limit for you game. I would invest in some routine lessons with a Manz Acad Instructor. Who knows you could be a plus handicap soon.
Thanks for your response. I've been playing about five years, but thanks for your observation. Yea I will try and get a face on view so those around here can see more of my pivot etc. I couldn't get out today but definitely will tomorrow. Thanks,

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