my swing.......critique it :)

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sorry no back swing as my father was late on the camera!

now in slow motion

thanks go to Dave for converting them.

BTW the drive in question went about 280-300 right down the center.

I will start :)
I think I am coming over the top a little but not much. I also think there is more distance to be had if I kept my left wrist flatter.
I was surprised when I saw that my back swing went back so far. To me it doesn't seem like I go that far. (I didn't think I was limber enough)

I also notice I am sliding through the ball. swaying or whatever you want to call it. I am sure there is some power being lost there. did I miss anything?
It looks like the downswing is being initiated with your upper body. As the downswing is started, the left hip should move 2" to 5" towards the target. While the hip is moving towards the target, try to keep the head in the same position(head will actually move, you just want it to be due to the pivot moving it). The result is the bottom of the spine should be closer to the target than the top of the spine as you strike the ball.

If this is done correctly, you will get the desired axis tilt.


Your downswing is drastically flawed and is capable of getting a whole lot better.

Your swing has no real punch or power because most of it is destroyed by your first move on the downswing. In short your swing is very inefficient. Your top of the backswing ain't great but the downswing is killing you.

Unfortunately you have recieved no good advice yet so id thought id help you out.

You start down by swinging your arms down, not with your lower body. What happens with your lower body is a reaction not the action, in essence, on the backswing you have actually trapped yourself in such a way that your lower body must move properly if your arms swing down.

Take this example : Address a ball without a club and instead have a ball in your right hand. Take a backswing with your right arm and throw the ball onto the ball on the ground. Do this with your eyes closed and ask yourself what moved first and was it reactionary ? This is due to the anatomical fact that if your arms are going to swing down, you right shoulder must lower itself to swing on plane. Stand upright and lower your right shoulder - what happens ???

See how the movement of the arm caused the hips to move and was a reaction to your arms swinging freely and not the other way round. Reactionary does not mean it moves secondary.

You see bumping your hips does not cause the correct movement, infact anyone with an assemblence of common sence can see this. Your hips or lower body can never ever put the club on the plane line ! They are the rotational part of your swing - the around if you will. Your arms are the up and down until the changing point of correspondance with your turn. If you just rotate you will never get on the plane line and you will never hit straight shots. Trust me your arms have to swing down ALOT further than your hips have to rotate. Your arms also make the correct amount of axis tilt of your shoulders on the downswing.

Heres a great thought for you - imagine your waist high in water and you want to swing your arms into the water as your first move. Not the general heave that you have now. Your hands must move progressively away from the right shoulder during the downswing to the ball.

You dip also as you drift leftwards - try keeping your 'chin up' and 'behind' (not falling backwards however) on the downswing and letting your arms sling past you without tension.

I would like to see you more on your lead side as you finish with your right foot up on its toe with your knees together. You will never get the correct impact position if you don't finish well.

ps.... if that swing went 300 yards then im Tigers uncle:D. Your mechanics just aren't capable of it.
it depends on the roll if it went three houndred yards and when the others were talking about initiating with the hips they didnt say rotate they said bump them wich is done down the line which will give you secondary axis tilt which automatically brings your arms down. ever see the shells wonderful world of golf with hogan verse snead. hogan hit 18 greens and 18 fairways. and in the end gave a tip concerning this exact subject. and he definately started down with the hips sliding toward the target. that is the way to not come over the top, so you can have a straight plane line, wich is one of the imperatives. you might also try pushing away at all times with your right hand against your left especially in the downswing wigh will give you good width and lag.
mb6606 thanks for the post that is a great website the clip of hogan actually swinging shows his hips slide like 6inches or as far forward as they get throughout the whole swing by the time he is halfway down. i love his swing i have probably watched my shell video like 25 times my wife thinks im crazy, but then again i think shes crazy for watching trading spaces everyday
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