My Swing

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Big Fella,

You have a darn good swing.

Move the ball back 1" and get your right forearm a wee bit more on the shaft plane at address.
Maybe you should work on a little tumble. Looks like when the club is parallel on the downswing your clubface is way on the inside. Just a suggestion from someone who you prolly shouldn't listen too.

i'm thinking if he is fighting a pull, that may not be the right route to go...


i'm thinking if he is fighting a pull, that may not be the right route to go...

Does a pull always originate from swinging left? Didn't for me. In fact, just got back from a lesson from Brian this week and I was pulling the ball extremely bad. The tumble is one of the things we worked on.
Brian did a video that may help.


Thanks for the video, I now understanding why I should get it on plane, also why I don't have to.

Any thoughts about someone with a bad back hitting a fade vs. a draw?
Thanks for the video, I now understanding why I should get it on plane, also why I don't have to.

Any thoughts about someone with a bad back hitting a fade vs. a draw?

It does not matter. If you were to take me for an example, I was an ass for hitting a draw no matter what the outcome. Ended up with a left sore wrist and a bad back. Just do what comes natural.
Any thoughts about someone with a bad back hitting a fade vs. a draw?

I had back surgery for a herniated lumbar disc way back in 1987 and have been plagued with back problems ever since with a couple more herniated discs--not from golf. I have been trying to get more lag and have my right wrist and elbow bent more at impact. I have discovered that this is not easy with an inflexible and irritable low back since it seems to require more axis tilt. The bending over with the twisting motion is what irritates my back, but standing straighter and just twisting is ok.

I can still hit draws and fades with a less bent waist. If you look at my thread about trying to blend NHA and SD patterns and look at my swing, you can see I even stand up a little before and through impact with the driver, have little lag, have a pretty straight right wrist, and a high right shoulder. But, can still hit draws and fades. I am still figuring out how to get a more bent right wrist and elbow at impact with the driver, but I have found it can't be done for me with more axis tilt due to my back--I'm still trying to get a little more axis tilt within my back's acceptable range.

To draw, I just use a more inside takeaway, cross the line at the top of the swing and think turn more around through impact.

To fade, I try to use close to the same takeaway and top of the backswing, but think down the wall to impact and up the wall after impact.

I also stay in decent shape with core exercises and major muscle work outs two to three days a week with a bowflex and occasional free weights along with walking and other things related to coaching high school baseball to keep the back somewhat strong.

Hope this helps you out.
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Again I would like to thank everyone for the thoughts about my DTL swing, with a couple of your suggestions I have been working hard on trail and error and somethings have really worked.

Below are a couple of my face on swings, first is a six iron, second is a PW and last is my Hybrid.

I will admit something looks goofy with my left arm, not sure what it is but I know someone here will be able to assist.

Thanks in advance.



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