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This video of you hitting these little shots ought to be shown to every TGM teacher who thinks the Basic and Acquired motion (JUNK) is worth a darn.

To me it shows:

1. How having your hands at address, like you want them to be at impact GUARANTEES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

2. Made me tilt my computer, thinking you had tilted the camera, until I realized YOU were leaning left.
I really need to see your full swing before I comment on want you really need to do next.

Ok. I will work on getting full swing video. thanks.


New member

This video of you hitting these little shots ought to be shown to every TGM teacher who thinks the Basic and Acquired motion (JUNK) is worth a darn.

Where is the logic in that statement?

Just because this guy has club head throw-away when performing a short swing doesn't mean that the Basic and Acquired motion curriculum is junk.

It just means that this guy hasn't learned to incorporate the first imperative.

Would you rather him attempt to attain forward shaft lean with a full swing first and subsequently with shorter swings?:confused:

Is this really Brian Manzella?
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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Burnitup what brian is trying to get at is that going through basic/acquired/total as a "way to learn" really doesn't work in the real world even though of sounds like it makes sense. Reason being is that just because you can do it right in short shots has no baring that ANYTHING will transfer to the full swing which basically makes all that work u did pointless. Its easier to just go with whatever a student has as a swing (full swing) and just modify from there.
soft draw video

Until I get that full shot video up, would it suit me to get that soft draw video? or possibly another? I have only seen the CFF as I the club flipping is where I thought Im failing the most.
Burnitup what brian is trying to get at is that going through basic/acquired/total as a "way to learn" really doesn't work in the real world even though of sounds like it makes sense. Reason being is that just because you can do it right in short shots has no baring that ANYTHING will transfer to the full swing which basically makes all that work u did pointless. Its easier to just go with whatever a student has as a swing (full swing) and just modify from there.

How can you walk before you run? How could chip, pitch, punch (just one example - not the best example, just AN example) ever not help someone's total motion? Impact is the same from "hip to hip." Lunacy...........
How can you walk before you run? How could chip, pitch, punch (just one example - not the best example, just AN example) ever not help someone's total motion? Impact is the same from "hip to hip." Lunacy...........

i feel that short shots and full swings can be, and mostly are, two different patterns.

eg you can have arm dominated chips and pitch shots. and a full motion where the pivot leads and powers the whole motion. in fact, i'd probably recomend that to most people.

now im not saying that you cant learn to hit chip and pitch shots with more pivot participation. if you did, basic motion would work a whole lot better.

also, if it is the case that short shots are not just smaller versions of the full swing, then i feel it would be infinitly better to teach a full, no-flip swing initially and then teach a pitch shot after that. its how i was taught.

i know from personal experience that basic motion can work great until you get to about punch w/ swivel, then this crazy hand-controlled no pivot arm swing doesnt work so great on full shots as it did on shorter ones.

brian, does this mean you think you building blocks material is redundant and poor?
Another MN golfer on this site! Good luck Drew our golf season is now in the final stretch!

Hey thanks! and same to you!

Yes, unfortunately youre right golf in MN is slowing coming to and end. Fall definitely feels like its here this am anyway. 41 degrees?!! Not quite ready for that.
How can you walk before you run? How could chip, pitch, punch (just one example - not the best example, just AN example) ever not help someone's total motion? Impact is the same from "hip to hip." Lunacy...........

never worked for me...
i spents days doing this and couldn't always take a target size divot on a full swing.
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