New type of video training Video goggles ?

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I visited a local golf course today and the pro has just purchased a new training aid. The device is like one of those computer swing analysers where you can compare your swing to a model and draw lines etc but with an add on of being able to see what you are doing while doing it by viewing your swing as you would on the computer analyser through some high tec goggles. I found this much more powerful a training aid than just filming your swing and making adjustments . You get immediate feedback as you can translate what looks right straight into a new feel with the complete absence of doubt. It showed things up that I did not know about as feel and real are very often two different things. I had a bit if a Curtis Strange move off the ball and a slightly cupped left wrist at the top . I fixed these very quickly after using the equipment. My backswing looked good and the club tracked the shaft plane for the first part of the backstroke which I was pleased about but the downswing looked steep with a bit tendency to move off my Tush line. I am going to work on these things. This is much more powerful way of learning than the normal swing ,film it watch it then try to change it cam corder way of doing things. Brady, Brian and others have you come across this before? Thanks.


quote:Originally posted by EdZ

Sounds pretty cool to me..... haven't seen it yet myself.
EdZ: They use a model swing which is a bit suspect as any model swing will only suit a small percentage of people. The model is partly based on your favourite "Rim Rider" George Knudsen.

"Our foundation: Hogan, Knudson and Kern
The VPG methodology is based on a meticulously planned and comprehensive program of instruction based on the theories of Ben Hogan and George Knudson—two of the greatest ball-strikers in golf history—and Knudson’s colleague Ben Kern, one of Canada’s most respected instructors."

Do any of you know about Ben Kern? Thanks.

It sure would be interesting if you had Leadbetter, Harmon, Smith, McClean, Haney, Doyle, Manzella, etc. in a room trying to figure out what the model is.

That would be one confused model!!


BTW, I would be the one teaching the high right shoulder with throwaway.:D
The problem with this sort of device is that you start relying on your eyes rather than feeling the motion. With theimmediate feedback you can improve very quickly, but once it's not there anymore you'll have a very hard time repeating the motion.


quote:Originally posted by Axel_WIngert

The problem with this sort of device is that you start relying on your eyes rather than feeling the motion. With theimmediate feedback you can improve very quickly, but once it's not there anymore you'll have a very hard time repeating the motion.
You could be right. I did feel that this product was the kind of thing that I would want at home to do continuous training with rather than a half hour slot in a pro shop. Having said that it is much more effective than just cam- cording your swing and trying to make adjustments.
There is a lot of potential for this product to be used in many sports.
Imagine if you could enter patterns ala TGM and the model would comply to the pattern??
quote:Originally posted by Redgoat


It sure would be interesting if you had Leadbetter, Harmon, Smith, McClean, Haney, Doyle, Manzella, etc. in a room trying to figure out what the model is.

That would be one confused model!!


BTW, I would be the one teaching the high right shoulder with throwaway.:D

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