Nike Juice 312? legal?

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HAHA, is this ball legal..cuz uh.. the weather here in nc today was 36-40 F. And I was hitting 265-275 yard drives.. what i'd usually get in the summer..I also hit my 7 iron 165 with the ball. Maybe, weather doesn't affect ball flight THAT much? Gee.. I over hit every a a club or 2..predicting the weather would cut my distance by that much.
HAHA, is this ball legal..cuz uh.. the weather here in nc today was 36-40 F. And I was hitting 265-275 yard drives.. what i'd usually get in the summer..I also hit my 7 iron 165 with the ball. Maybe, weather doesn't affect ball flight THAT much? Gee.. I over hit every a a club or 2..predicting the weather would cut my distance by that much.

Nike rep?
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