No follow-through...

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Bit of a long shot this, but has anyone ever seen anyone play golf without a follow-through? Not a ‘future Golf Digest cover flavour of the month’, honestly grinds to a halt two feet after impact on any shot, pitch, punch, iron, full driver. Loses a lot of height as well so looks like a kind of lurching action through the ball.

What would you recommend?

Sadly never going to get it on video as he is too embarrassed. He was taught old school; drive the ball out to one o’clock. Seems to me that trying to swing left would help on this basis, but pretty sure we have tried this in the past.

Any ideas much appreciated.
The swing sounds like an older Arnold Palmer, as in "Honorary Starter at Augusta" Palmer. How does your buddy hit the ball, besides low?
Similar! Imagine the same kind of force involved, but the club jars to a halt short of waist height.

He has always hit it low, plays a draw. Used to play off scratch and hit it a long way. Still does for a senior. Always had a very old fashioned kind of leg-lunge into the ball, but I've never been able to work out why he doesn't have a follow-through (probably a bit unfair, but to call it 'abbreviated' or 'cut-off' isn't doing it justice).

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Does he play the ball back in his stance?

My guess is he's hitting with the right arm too early. Then when the club flies by his pivot, he grabs hold of it so it doesnt run away.
Not really, no. Have definitely tried putting it up in his stance and he has been able to play from there with the same lurch. Has to be something seriously out of whack, but the defining factor of his swing is the 1950s leg lunge. If you add, as you say, a club overtaking, something is going to have to give, in his case, throwing on the brakes. Was going to recommend confessions anyway!

Thanks for the comment. Definite food for thought.
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