No Love Loss

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Brian, as you know, they is no love loss between the two of us. I never have seemed to find a place on your forum. I say my mind and don't wait for you to post an opinion so I can repeat the same thing. Nor do I kiss up, although I respect your teaching ability. You (and one other) helped my swing improve ten fold this past year. I shot my two lowest rounds back to back in the last five days. My handicap is invalid the way im playing right now.

With that said, Brian... I can't believe I couldn't post an URL from your site to help someone to learn something important over on Chuck's site. I sent him in PM, the url. Maybe you should "grab him up." And you were right, I should have posted Chuck's url of a pitch instead.

Brian Manzella

I really value your contributions to my site.

In the LONG haul...people will see everyones indentions and reasons, It is easy to make me the 'bad guy' like they did at fgi, but here I am with nearly 1200 members and a lot of them, improving like yourself.

Hope i can continue to help your game.....BM
Hey guys---dont worry, I'm bouncing around this excellent TGM site also....even more so now.......

Thanks for help/support in answering questions....

Didnt mean to pik one forum over another in posting the chipping/pitching question.....just happened to be surfing thru when the question arose.......

Would like to get in on Beta Tape's if yet available?
Thanks again
quote:Originally posted by sbark

Hey guys---dont worry, I'm bouncing around this excellent TGM site also....even more so now.......

Thanks for help/support in answering questions....

Didnt mean to pik one forum over another in posting the chipping/pitching question.....just happened to be surfing thru when the question arose.......

Would like to get in on Beta Tape's if yet available?
Thanks again

Enjoy all three, wish there were more. I'm not picking one over the other. I just wish all, like here, were open to all TGM education, but I understand the facts of life. I like all three. Give me a healthy dose of Ben, Brian and Yoda everyday to keep my swing safe and sound.

Brian, shot an eighty today, highest of the last three rounds. I can't stop smiling, my friends hate me now. LOL


No worries about FGI - They're instructional section makes up what it lacks in depth with confusion. Their tips are spouted like a 'bunkered' editor gone bad with a pretence of genius originating big boned skulls... wow im wicked :)

I think Justin isn't doing his job properly... what forum administrator in his right mind wouldn't advertise his forum by holding the 'First Long Drive COMPETITION'. It should break some records for sure. It should definately be the first case of the sonic sound barrier being broken by a golf ball but some are even speculating further, that the speed of light might be broken. It would be on the news - "FGI the free nectar of long driving".

Think of how many more buddies could he put in his little circle, whilst he acts like the phrase - Hell Hath no fury like a woman scorned - To others outside of his lil clich'e clique of good boys[pants like a dog, and sits hoping for my head to get patted].[8D]:D

I was thinking of some alternative names to post to Justin....

how about

how about

????? What you think ?????

I like it, it kinda does the mood of the forum. :)

WOW This feels really felt good.... :)

While I am sure they have good instructional world class teaching instructors on there - has a look round the joint, oh well, seems not - Redgoat with his excellent photos and insight to the tour and Brian with his cocky funny sence of humour where he helped craft one of the best pro's on the PGA tour - All at Manzella's. But ok ok....lets be fair...they have some decently deep topics in the past, I remember one particular case where they posted a picture of Anna Kornacova(sp?) showing her panties whilst holding a banana.... Yep I was in the harvard of golf back in ye olden day. I even posted my ass just to show a point.... :)

Eminem vs Ode to ye old FGI</u>

Well FGI....

Well who cares ?

We don't do !

uh huh hu 123 come with me

lets make Freegolfinfo history....

Join the manzella forum and solve the mystery.....

Well FGI - you blow !

Out of the window you go... :)
Pretty funny stuff Matthew. If it werent so true! I have not even been to that site in months. I just got tired of the Nemesis 300 + yard drives on every post.
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