One problem caused another.

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Over the last few months I have experienced a dramatic loss of distance, and by dramatic I mean approx. 15% distance loss for every club in my bag. (except my flat stick of course) I even lost about 15 yards with my sand wedge which translates to a heck of a lot with my driver. I have also began to experience quite a few very high shots, hitting my driver in the air like it was a wedge.

So here's my problem... I just got through a period where I was sliding in front of the ball and was hitting everything right and during the fix for this problem I've either gotten incredibly steep or started flipping at the ball. I am unable to video my swing at this time.

Is there a way to test for either of these and how can I go about getting a feel for doing it the right way again?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Sounds like you are "finding a way" to add loft during the swing some how. First thing i'd do is find out what your swing speed is on average with say like a driver and 5 iron. That will give you a baseline. Then when the distances start going shorter, see if you are simply swinging the club slower. If you are not then it's obviously something you are doing or simply aren't doing anymore.


Sliding your hips in the downswing will upset your kinetic sequencing .. and may be equivalent to blocking your hips, which translates into a virtual shoulder blockage too.

Then consciously eliminating the sliding may also alter your swing sequencing. That may cause you to go steep and flipping is a sure indicator of a messed up kinetic chain sequencing.

Stop sliding your hips and try to swing more centered but in a freewheeling manner ... and then tell us what happens, because it's still an experiment.
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If you lose distance and are flipping it, I would say you have some underplane issues. Need to get the left arm flying wedge over so you can swing more left.
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