The banter back and forth notwithstanding, Ill raise a glass to your wife's recovery
The banter back and forth notwithstanding, Ill raise a glass to your wife's recovery
The banter back and forth notwithstanding, Ill raise a glass to your wife's recovery
I'd love if you could respond to my private message regarding how I've been dishonest. In any way. That's what calling someone disingenuous means. I take that very seriously.Lukman, I'm not buying your act for a second. Quit acting like a disingenuous little shit bird. Everyone knows you're a smart guy, you don't have to try to re-prove it everyday.
I'd love if you could respond to my private message regarding how I've been dishonest. In any way. That's what calling someone disingenuous means. I take that very seriously.
That's what calling someone disingenuous means.
I'd love if you could respond to my private message regarding how I've been dishonest. In any way. That's what calling someone disingenuous means. I take that very seriously.
I taught you a little bit about complex systems and non linearity before. Maybe you can teach me a lesson about consciousness of non sincerity.