Overbaking the soft draw

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Brian Manzella


You are being somewhat disingenious in your reply here.

• You associate me with TGM and yes alot of my preliminary work used TGM as a starting point. However my total understanding has increased through the understanding of movement within a 3d enviroment. Over the last 5 months I have been slowly increasing my understanding of the human skeletal structure and how muscles operate. Does this sound like someone mindlessly following a single book enough to call them a "TGMer"...

• You've basically haven't read a word I have said and/or deliberately distorting my position. I am the one telling people to get a consistant clubface control and a pattern that 'groups balls together', see the results on the range and then offset their alignment from their over idealistic fetish with parallels. I couldn't care less about if someone hits a draw/fade/push/pull provided they can group the balls together.

Now, I do have ideals in mind when I talk about the golf stroke as there definately are mechanical advantages to be had. I think anyone in their right mind that knows anything about golf whatsoever could tell you that controlling the clubface at impact is of paramount importance. I couldn't even begin to scratch the surface of this topic. If I was to write a chapter in a book on clubface control it would be a long one...

The strange thing is you critique a book and I don't want to come off as condescending - that your simply not in a position to critique as your comment here is testimont to that fact as it could easily be refuted by a 'TGMer' by quoting parts of ch2 and ch3. It does have its errors... some intentional, some not...

Great Post Mathew!

I too don't care for parallels for the sake of parallels.

One day this fall, I will put a camera out 300 yards with two cones 30 yards apart. I'll see how many drives I can hit in a row between 260 and 300 "in the grid."

I think I can do over a dozen easily.

I'll be aiming almost everything somewhere else besides "parallel."
You are being somewhat disingenious in your reply here.

• You associate me with TGM and yes alot of my preliminary work used TGM as a starting point. However my total understanding has increased through the understanding of movement within a 3d enviroment. Over the last 5 months I have been slowly increasing my understanding of the human skeletal structure and how muscles operate. Does this sound like someone mindlessly following a single book enough to call them a "TGMer"...

• You've basically haven't read a word I have said and/or deliberately distorting my position. I am the one telling people to get a consistant clubface control and a pattern that 'groups balls together', see the results on the range and then offset their alignment from their over idealistic fetish with parallels. I couldn't care less about if someone hits a draw/fade/push/pull provided they can group the balls together.

Now, I do have ideals in mind when I talk about the golf stroke as there definately are mechanical advantages to be had. I think anyone in their right mind that knows anything about golf whatsoever could tell you that controlling the clubface at impact is of paramount importance. I couldn't even begin to scratch the surface of this topic. If I was to write a chapter in a book on clubface control it would be a long one...

The strange thing is you critique a book and I don't want to come off as condescending - that your simply not in a position to critique as your comment here is testimont to that fact as it could easily be refuted by a 'TGMer' by quoting parts of ch2 and ch3. It does have its errors... some intentional, some not...

Guess I need to watch my wording because you have me all wrong here. I have you, Mathew, firmly in the same camp as Brian. I've seen your posts, heard what you've had to say, and can clearly see you're not part of the "line everything up parallel, watch your 3,458 mission-critical alignments, keep your head centered, and all of golfdom is yours for the taking" crowd. You care about results rather than doing the MacDonald drills. :)

If you thought my thinking or opinion of you to be otherwise, my b.

I'm glad we have people like you around here. You, me, and Brian all are only concerned with grouping the balls together closely and consistently. Difference being, you and Brian are figuring that out, and I'm just trying to learn from you both (and everyone else here who contributes).
Guess I need to watch my wording because you have me all wrong here. I have you, Mathew, firmly in the same camp as Brian. I've seen your posts, heard what you've had to say, and can clearly see you're not part of the "line everything up parallel, watch your 3,458 mission-critical alignments, keep your head centered, and all of golfdom is yours for the taking" crowd. You care about results rather than doing the MacDonald drills. :)

If you thought my thinking or opinion of you to be otherwise, my b.

I'm glad we have people like you around here. You, me, and Brian all are only concerned with grouping the balls together closely and consistently. Difference being, you and Brian are figuring that out, and I'm just trying to learn from you both (and everyone else here who contributes).

If it makes you feel any better, I understood what you were trying to say. :)
You just HAVE TO understand the D-Plane.

If you don't, all flight corrections are a guess at best.

Brian...please elaborate on flight corrections. With SD pattern I will still hit an occasional push fade (rare) but usually comes from being over-anxious with the right side at the start of the downswing. Is this something I should be overly concerned with? Thanks!
Self-Mastery, good question on my fade change. For years I played a draw that often moved towards a hook. Then in order to correct that I learned to hit a strong single action fade, that on days was very consistent. However, it never felt really natural to me, and I felt like I was holding off on releasing the club fully. Being ever inquisitive I was interested by the soft draw since if kind of sounded like my natural swing. Right now I really like the motion and have shot some pretty low scores for me, mid 30's for 9.

I'm also slightly longer with the draw and now feel fairly confident I can work the ball either way. Left to right, I use a hitting action, strong single action grip, right to left, I use a soft draw pattern.
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