Brian Manzella
Great Post Mathew!
I too don't care for parallels for the sake of parallels.
One day this fall, I will put a camera out 300 yards with two cones 30 yards apart. I'll see how many drives I can hit in a row between 260 and 300 "in the grid."
I think I can do over a dozen easily.
I'll be aiming almost everything somewhere else besides "parallel."
You are being somewhat disingenious in your reply here.
• You associate me with TGM and yes alot of my preliminary work used TGM as a starting point. However my total understanding has increased through the understanding of movement within a 3d enviroment. Over the last 5 months I have been slowly increasing my understanding of the human skeletal structure and how muscles operate. Does this sound like someone mindlessly following a single book enough to call them a "TGMer"...
• You've basically haven't read a word I have said and/or deliberately distorting my position. I am the one telling people to get a consistant clubface control and a pattern that 'groups balls together', see the results on the range and then offset their alignment from their over idealistic fetish with parallels. I couldn't care less about if someone hits a draw/fade/push/pull provided they can group the balls together.
Now, I do have ideals in mind when I talk about the golf stroke as there definately are mechanical advantages to be had. I think anyone in their right mind that knows anything about golf whatsoever could tell you that controlling the clubface at impact is of paramount importance. I couldn't even begin to scratch the surface of this topic. If I was to write a chapter in a book on clubface control it would be a long one...
The strange thing is you critique a book and I don't want to come off as condescending - that your simply not in a position to critique as your comment here is testimont to that fact as it could easily be refuted by a 'TGMer' by quoting parts of ch2 and ch3. It does have its errors... some intentional, some not...
Great Post Mathew!
I too don't care for parallels for the sake of parallels.
One day this fall, I will put a camera out 300 yards with two cones 30 yards apart. I'll see how many drives I can hit in a row between 260 and 300 "in the grid."
I think I can do over a dozen easily.
I'll be aiming almost everything somewhere else besides "parallel."