Phil Cheetham Video

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Wow ! Thats a great teaching aid.
But who decides the parameters for correct amount of turn ,bend ,side bend etc..

Wouldn't it be different for each person
I'm not sure where you're going with this but a left side-bend in the backswings is not the same as a left weight shift or left leaning pivot. Even a pivot that moves 100 percent of the weight to the right foot in the backswing is going to have a left side-bend if a full shoulder rotation is made.
Wow ! Thats a great teaching aid.
But who decides the parameters for correct amount of turn ,bend ,side bend etc..

Wouldn't it be different for each person

I agree, looks like a great teaching aid.

I suppose that the instructor can change/decide the parameters after his/hers preferences. Would like to hear more
about this. On the clip it looks like the settings are for more towards a centered kind of pivot, but could be wrong.
My guess would be that the numbers are either a result of her TPI screening or heaven forbid "Tour Averages".......Perhaps some combo of both may be used to set the parameters. Maybe a good question for the Anti Summit. Are there optimal numbers and are they limited to the students flexibility to perform them given their body type?
There is a 12 - 16 degree range for each measurement ,seems fairly wide . She looks in a good position .
It may be set up to ones posture -ideal posture that is - at the top. get readings put a + or - amt . and try to duplicate .
Thats one of the most difficult things for me to monitor with out a second set of eyes on me .
This would be a fantastic aid for someone wanting to seriously work on their game .
The key would be $$

Brian Manzella

Wow ! Thats a great teaching aid.
But who decides the parameters for correct amount of turn ,bend ,side bend etc..

Wouldn't it be different for each person

The teacher/operator sets the parameters, and it would be different for each golfer unless there is a strict method employed.
The teacher/operator sets the parameters, and it would be different for each golfer unless there is a strict method employed.

This sounds like a very versatile system that will benefit teachers that teach all kinds of things to get the student to make the motion.

Maybe they make a cheaper version where you can't adjust the parameters for all the one way to do it folks.


I like it. posture is important if it's not the same everytime then it doesn't really matter if you can repeat the same swing over and over again or not...
Do you think hogan had braking before impact? It always looks as though he defies this graph by never stalling. Seams like a power max swing and a a accuracy swing.

Dariusz J.

New member
Do you think hogan had braking before impact? It always looks as though he defies this graph by never stalling. Seams like a power max swing and a a accuracy swing.

There is no necessity for braking per se in 3-D. A change in orientation of the motion brings exactly the same results as braking in 2-D.

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