If you'll notice the shoulders stay pretty perpendicular to target. I don't observe a tremendous amount of "Rotational force". I don't think it is as essential as some might think. Another extreme example, and I don't subscribe to it personally, however it seems to work for some, would be Don Trahan's method. Don's son D.J. was an All American at Clemson and he is a PGA tour level player. Reader's Digest view of Don's philosophy; Three quarter arm swing, no rotation, strong pivot.(For those more familiar with Trahan's swing philosophy, I hope my Reader's Digest description does not offend. I only abbreviated for the sake of providing an example. Obviously there is more to it than that!)
My point is," If "Rotational Force" were such an important component of the golf swing, it would transcend thoughout all swings. A lot of different swings on tour, but, they all look relativly the same at/around impact. If "Rotational Force" was an Axiom it would transcend all swings and it would also be apparent in swing derivations, ie. pitches and chips.
EXAMPLE; Is Rotational force existant in great chipping and pitching? No!
Do you apply the three imperative to chipping and pitching? Yes.