Pictures of Manzella Neutral left thumb placement

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I'll chime in on the defence of Mr. Hogan and myself. He and I both prefer to have NO gap between the thumb and forefinger. The more of a gap you have, the more the club is in your palm instead of your fingers. Not saying you can't make it work, but certainly not my idea of ideal.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by Garth

The more of a gap you have, the more the club is in your palm instead of your fingers.

Incorrect. Thumb placement is independantly of where i put the handle in my hand.
Completely agree with Jim. Jim's pictures are worth gold. After finally "getting" this, the rest of the pieces began to fall into place.

My handicap dropped from 13 to 9.5 after "getting" this. Unless I get hurt this year, I'll be below 5 by June. If we get to golf by May!
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