OK, enough...I can't get rid of these $#&*($## shanks.
Man, I am swinging so well right now with all my clubs. Twice, I'm 60 yards in front of the green, laying 2, on 2 par 5s. I'm thinking birdie, right?
SHANK, SHANK. ended up par / boogie (missed the putt). Same on a par 4 where I bombed a drive...tried to run a 7iron up to the hole from about 80yds...shank into a sand trap.
I've been going to the range and I always start off hitting beautiful chips and pitches. Then, out of no where....during the same practice round...I can't hit a decent pitch to save my life and I can't get back to normal until the next day.
I would love to get my hands on the shanking video out there!!!! Or hear from the master on this.
One question I have now...on a 30-60 yard pitch...do I want any right wrist bend to take place in the backswing? I have someone telling me to lean the shaft forward at address and then freeze that position with the hands and just turn the body to ht the pitch. That doesn't feel right to me and....I'm trying to get out of a foward leaning shaft at address.
Seems like my best pitches come when I swing back and let the right wrist fold back a little and also bend the right elbow a little. I feel lag when I do this.