pivot on downswing

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I`m still confused on one thing. Do you pivot with both hips, left or right hip or the pivot is done with the lower body????????
I need to now this,please....anyone???

I would refer you to the perfect pivot articles on this site. I think that you can feel it however you need to as long as the entire motion is right. You would have to video yourself in order to tell. I personally feel it in my abs/obliques.


I believe Ben Hogan described the move as throwing the lead hip around and back against the wall.

Brian Manzella

The Golfer's Pivot in 100 Words

Here is my attempt to explain how to perform a correct golf pivot in 100 words or less....

With your weight centered, use the left leg to help you push the weight OFF of that foot as you make a sharp turn of the right hip. FALL and SQUAT into your left leg. Using the ground, push UP off of that FOOT as your right hip moves TOWARD IT. Use this motion to get your left shoulder as FAR FROM THE BALL YOU CAN at impact. Keeping your hips left and your head back, let the motion of your arms PULL YOU to a FINISH with your right foot SPUN UP on the toe and your KNEES TOUCHING.

Pretty good, eh?
That's the kind of detail that works in teaching. Compexity is always better than mystery. But a question I have is when does the right foot push off the ground in the downswing?
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So you DON'T push with the right foot in the downswing? It's more of a fall to the left side and then snap that left hip open with the pushing of the left foot? When I first read Brian's post I thought of Tiger right away with that squat and then pushing against the earth.

It's more of a fall to the left side and then snap that left hip open with the pushing of the left foot?

If you are straightening (extending) your left leg, the left hip will automatically pull away from the target line. The right hip then travels around the left hip using the top of the left femur bone as its center...

You can test this out by doing it with your butt against a wall at address...
A question for you....

I used the left shoulder up technique for years..or rather "left-top quarter" up.....

Although it was extremely accurate regarding shot direction, I always felt it needed an inordinate amount of energy to achieve it properly and it always felt as if I was maxed out and dragging the club through impact.....absolutely nothing left to add...

Also, I found if I did not get it spot on with my timing, it ended up a fat or thin shot (same cause)....

If you are straightening (extending) your left leg, the left hip will automatically pull away from the target line. The right hip then travels around the left hip using the top of the left femur bone as its center...

You can test this out by doing it with your butt against a wall at address...
That's what I currently do except for the "sit down" or squat but last night I was playing around with pushing with the right foot to open the hips and gained a little distance with the driver but when I went back to the irons I was hitting it thin....????
'use the left leg to help you push the weight' don't you mean right leg?

If I'm not mistaken, he's talking about the start of the backswing, using the left leg to "push" you into loading the right side, getting the weight off the left. It's almost like someone driving off the right side on the downswing, just in reverse.
Fall and squat, explain more on this please. Also Does the back of the left shoulder start the down swing after your left foot goes down or does the left shoulder back(drunk on back?)make your left foot go down to start the downswing.??? Any one or brian. This should fully make me understand how to get better on the down swing...thanks all..
Pivot on the downswing

GO to your backyard do exactly what Brian says in 100 words or less on the pivot.Push up off with your left foot as your right hip moves foreward getting your leftshoulder as farfrom the ball as you can.You wil be surprised how it feels.

How about a video of this along with the words. I think I know what you mean but I don't know for sure. In other words...."I think I know what you think you said but I don't know....?"

Brian Manzella

Jack NickLOSS!

Do you think the left heel should be lifted or pulled off the ground?

If it does—it does.

I worked with a VERY good player yesterday. He worked hard on this pivot and did and A+ job. His heel only lefted a bit with a driver.

When he did it right—BOOM! :cool:
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