quote:Originally posted by EdZ
quote:Originally posted by Jono
Hand Plane</u>
Let me continue on.
As I said, IMO, the major crook in the golf swing is the angle formed between the left arm and the club (#3 accumulator angle). This affects the swing plane more than the minor crook (ie. the crook in the club itself).
Here's a diagram from a program called "Skillcheck". I have used this because it allows multiple images to be shown at once.
Have a look at the movement of the hands from the top down to release point (just before swivel). The hands move down on a plane, but this is NOT a plane out to the target line. It is directed somewhat INSIDE the target line. I'll call this the HAND PLANE.
I have drawn a red line for the plane of movement of the left wrist. This is the hinge point between the upper lever (left arm) and the lower lever (the club). However, if you feel that the pressure point #3 is more important, then you can plot that instead. I would urge you to get any pro on video, down the line view, and plot the path of the hands from the top down to release point. Most of the pros I've looked at have the hands moving on a plane that is directed well INSIDE the target line. The Skillcheck sequence shows that the base of this plane of hand motion (hand plane) is approximately 2/3 of the way from the player's toes to the targetline. This seems to be approximately true for majority of the pros.
This raises the point, if the hands are not moving on a plane to the targetline, where should the aiming point be? Since you are directing the hands towards the aiming point, it can't be on the targetline, can it? The above diagram seems to indicate that the aiming point should be well INSIDE the targetline, on the base of the hand plane.
Let me pause here. I'll continue later with how the club moves relative to the hand plane and then talk a bit about the release swivel. I will also touch on club face orientation relative to the hand plane.
This reminds me very much of a post I made on FGI many years ago.
Do you have a link available?