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5 Iron DTL

5 Iron Face On

No frontal nudity, as I promised :)

I'm a 2 handicap with a good short game. I want to improve my ballstriking. I hit the ball straight and long with the driver. My iron game is brutal for my handicap. I hit it straight, but hit it solid maybe one out of five shots. This makes distance control impossible and limits any birdie opportunities i may give myself off the tee.

Any input is greatly appreciated.
Variety of issues if you will...Interesting swing as you say for a 2 hdcp. You didnt say where you hit your irons left or right but your dowswing indicates that you are trying hard as heck to square up your clubface. Thus the hang back on your right and hand position back. It is hard to see on the video what your clubface is doing but that is my call on your move. Either you used to hit it right and fixed it by that move and now you can time that move to hit it straightish or left even.

You can see how that would cause many fat shots though right? Back on your right side. And where fat shots occur then your thin shots would be the lift up and out (swinging up and flipping the club). I would think if you have been around the forum for a while you would have seen the videos but a dose of NSA would be helpful, no need for me to recite that video to you. You may not think you need it because you "time your flip" and don't slice it but you would likely be a reformed slicer in my estimation.

It also looks like you swing out of your shoes at it and power your arms with your arms and not your pivot causing that back up move that you can really see from the front view.

Not to push a product but there is a certain person on this forum that has a product that helps you strike irons like a tour player. The key words being underlined! (I will be checking on this product soon too MC!!)

Anyway best of luck and look forward to hearing the other forum comments!
interesting points bolt.

I'm fairly certain that my club face is pretty square through the swing. To be honest, I have never really had a slicing problem. I developed a hook as I grew in my teens, and learned to combat it by rotating as hard as i could and holding on...something that I think is causing these problems.

I'm also looking forward to eharing what others think
your club is square because you reverse back on your right side towards impact and you flip coming into impact. Low point is way behind the ball. I looked for a root cause because if you pivoted onto your left and got your hands forward to get the low point forward I think you would hit it right. If you don't then you don't need the NSA fixes.
You have some nice things about your swing but I think you’re in desperate need of a little hip slide forward to initiate your downswing. Right now you are not starting with the lower body and are really hanging back. Try to feel like your leaving your hands at the top and moving your hip forward to initiate.

I would love to be able to get some hip slide.

I really don't know how to start though, I was taught the turn in a barrel move by somebody who helped me get rid of a slide, now it just seems like its ingrained.
The problem is that I thought that If I made a good backswing, shifting back to the left would happen naturally if I just rotated.

The Hogan picture of his left hip being pulled back to the wall by the bands comes to mind.

Why can't I shift?

The problem is your first move from the top is you moving your hands down to get into the "slot", it looks good to the eye but you are doing it with your upper body, if you start with a hip slide/bump to the left that will move your hands down for you then you can rotate as hard as you want, understand?

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
The problem is that I thought that If I made a good backswing, shifting back to the left would happen naturally if I just rotated.

The Hogan picture of his left hip being pulled back to the wall by the bands comes to mind.

Why can't I shift?


I would learn to "float load" the club. Do the back and forth drill and hit a line of balls doing it.
That is impressive athletic ability in that swing! I don’t think your first move from the top is actually with your upper body at all. I think you fire your left hip in an immediate circle first – homage to the ‘in the barrel concept’. As a contrast imagine your hips at the top of your backswing not turned but in a straight line (45 degrees right of your target line); as your first move down slide your hips along that line while holding your shoulder turn. For you I think that gets you left, with your arms in the slot. I bet your obvious skills and athletic ability make sense of things from there.:)
I'm fairly certain that my club face is pretty square through the swing. To be honest, I have never really had a slicing problem. I developed a hook as I grew in my teens, and learned to combat it by rotating as hard as i could and holding on...something that I think is causing these problems.

I'm also looking forward to eharing what others think[/QUOTE]

your club face is actually closed at the end of the backswing, not suprised you don't slice
Hi Golfball323

What do I know - but here goes. I agree absolutely with Bolt. Btw, I also thought I was a hooker (for the last 10 years) until I bought Brian's video Confessions Of A Former Flipper a few weeks ago. This site has taught me the D-plane's influence on ball flight so I can see how my flip produced hooks. Wanting to learn as much as possible, I also bought Never Hook Again (which I thought would save my life) and Never Slice Again (for information). Guess what! - Flipper is teaching me to get a better set of impact hands and I find I need to do some of the things in NSA to square the face (at separation right?!). The web versions of these videos are so cheap that everyone should have them. Also check out the firing hips thread where tourdeep has posted Brian's "Poor Puppy" youtube video - the right leg push back into the ground that he demonstrates at the end of the video might help a lot - it's gotten more fizz into my pivot already and I've only had 2 sessions working on it.

Another thing the videos indicate is the flexibility of Brian's approach. Typically, golf teachers over here preach a particular method and try to squeeze everyone into one pattern or just leave out tons of the important stuff. Sorry - just sounding off!!

I agree with jon. I really don't start my DS with my upper body, but it doesn't shift like most people's also. For right now I have gone with a tempo swing thought (70%) and it has worked wonders. I have not lost any distance and I have improved ball striking and distance control ten fold.

However, I do think that to get to the next level I will need to improve my dynamics as my swing looks quite similar to the ones posted earlier.
Hi Golfball323

What do I know - but here goes. I agree absolutely with Bolt. Btw, I also thought I was a hooker (for the last 10 years) until I bought Brian's video Confessions Of A Former Flipper a few weeks ago. This site has taught me the D-plane's influence on ball flight so I can see how my flip produced hooks. Wanting to learn as much as possible, I also bought Never Hook Again (which I thought would save my life) and Never Slice Again (for information). Guess what! - Flipper is teaching me to get a better set of impact hands and I find I need to do some of the things in NSA to square the face (at separation right?!). The web versions of these videos are so cheap that everyone should have them.

Yes, yes, yes!

Just because your misses are left doesn't mean you aren't a slicer. I can hit hooks all day long with a swing that needs an NSA fix.

There are a very few folks out there who are hitting hooks without flipping it. For those folks, NHA is a wonderful resource. But there are a lot of mid and even low handicap players who can't hit the ball with a flat left wrist to save their life. And, once they do, they'll hit it right.

I say this as someone who once played off of 2 (wouldn't have held up in competition!) while timing the flip on every shot. I also say it as someone who has been using the SD pattern for a while, but I'm fairly certain that a bit more of an NSA setup and backswing (but without twistaway) is much better for me. I need to be focusing on a FLW and a bit of wedding ring up in order to control the clubface properly. If I get to the top of a the SD backswing with an SD grip, I just want to come down steep and flip it all day. If I get to the top of a NSA backswing with an NSA grip, then I need to come at the ball from the inside, with a proper swivel and a FLW....

Sorry, this post just spurred me....
Hi Golfball,

I really believe your problem is not shifting to the left in your down swing, as many posters have pointed out. It actually looks like a little reverse hip shift to me. I think what you do is that at the beginning of the downswing you squatted down and pressured the right foot (a good move), but then didn't get off it EARLY enough.

Perhaps doing drills where you shift your left hip to directly on top of the left foot before you progress too far in the downswing?

Not a pro so treat all the above with extreme caution!
Your hips seem to be doing the "Funky Cold Medina" or something. No offense but I'm very surprised you are a 2. It looks like you hit the ground 6 inches before the ball.
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