Post "Well-Timed Release" want evidence?? Here's your evidence!

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Absolutely agree. It doesn't matter if the swing looks good, it's the swing that produces the best numbers. Period. The only other thing that really matters aside from the numbers is the ability to repeat them in a similar fashion...

that and putting it into the hole.


There is a phrase in Brians Avatar that is applicable here..."Everything else is just show biz"
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Only way shot goes to the right with face closed to path is with gear effect. 7 yards off line is pretty straight to me even with the slight gear effect.

I understand gear effect. Thanks. Just stating that it wasn't on the sweet spot, but a heel cut that went 322 yards. Is this Joe Miller?

Also, looks like on both shots his hands are behind the clubface at impact based on the spin loft. POW!!! Oh wait, that's somebody else. Smile.

Would like to know the driver/ball combo even if it's close to this.
I understand gear effect. Thanks. Just stating that it wasn't on the sweet spot, but a heel cut that went 322 yards. Is this Joe Miller?

Also, looks like on both shots his hands are behind the clubface at impact based on the spin loft. POW!!! Oh wait, that's somebody else. Smile.

Would like to know the driver/ball combo even if it's close to this.
1.48 smash isn't that far from a center hit.
Numbers only for ballstriking (as opposed to playing golf)! The ball doesn't care how we look. If your pattern isn't tied to good impact numbers you'll be lost unless you can dig it out of the dirt or are blessed with world class timing (usually both). 1/2000th of a second is all we have in this game. Better make it count. We are all flawed and have our own bio-mechanical limitations. That's why when I see posts from hackers who claim they have the ONE AND ONLY answer I cringe. Anyone who has played this game long enough learns very quickly that there is no one best pattern for everyone. Even Brian mentions this in new ideas about the release. Some people won't be able to do it properly and others will.

Those are great numbers. I like the "line drawers" moniker. Have to start using that one if the person isn't a hack and plays more than a couple holes of golf per year. Of course, people that start playing and know how hard this game really is lose the dogma real quick about their beliefs that they can't be wrong.

"The purpose of the swing is to put the club squarely on the ball; the method employed is of no consequence as long as it can be repeated".
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