Posting swing videos

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Hi folks,

Been a while since I have been around the forums but it's great to be back. On that note, I would like to post a swing video of mine for feedback but am not sure if that is still allowed? Thanks for any feedback.
Alright then, here she is. For what it's worth, I hit this one a touch towards the heel but was struck fairly well.

Some background: I'm a low single digit capper but ball striking is not a strong suit of mine. I usually manage to play with a bunch of good misses. I am straight but not terribly long off the tee. I don't have much of a pivot and feel like I time everything. Feel stuck all the time, feel that my arms work independently of my core. Never really feel like I can "go after it" as a result of the disconnection.

Had a lesson w/ Brian a long time ago focusing on swinging more left. Still probably swing too far to the right, but don't hit a lot of hooks. If I were to characterize my miss it would be a 1-way thin push fade.

Thanks gang.

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Brian Manzella

This site is going to make a huge comeback soon.

We started the other site and now will integrating.

Post whatever you wish video wise....just realize that you might get a response from anyone.

I am on my last long teaching trip of the season, and will be around a lot more soon.
I agree with the above, and would add that I think the above things would help get you to a more balanced finish. For how hard you didnt go after that one I was surprised that you couldn't hold the finish any longer than you did.


The Back Porch video deserves attention.

The Stallion says, "Notice that I'm facing my hands..."

In the Two Handed Drill, you'll back into it and face your hands and then tumble and work it down.

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Looking forward to your progress update.

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