Pushed Putts

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You may want to ask the NAT...he's been doing a study on aim and how it effects your stroke. If you aim 6'' left your stroke is going to be out to the right.

Can you aim your tool? If you can't you may want to get fit by Edel. The worst thing you can do is practice a stroke that sends the ball squarely off the face when you are aimed 6'' left.


What makes someone push putts and how do you correct it? Does ball position contribute to it? know its open and close clubface but what would make you do it other than the obvious..thanks jp

Gosh- this could be so many things. Ball Position? Path? Face angle? Are your eyes inside the ball too much?

I would see a qualified instructor (BM Academy?), have them diagnose what is causing this, give you the proper fundamentals required to attain square contact that starts the ball on line, and then practice the hell out of it.


Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
Puttmad, How do you imagine a static "blade position" when the clubhead is moving?

Do you have some kind of sixth sense?

What works for you, does not work for me...but whatever floats your boat...

Brian Manzella


This forum is about what I—Brian Manzella—and my teachers, like Ryan Smither TEACH GOLFERS.

Puttmad, I am very sorry to say, that in your 300 posts, you rarely see things our way, and you consistantly distract me, my staff and my forum members from learning the MANZELLA METHOD for explaining, teaching and improving golfer's swings.

Ryan is 100% in the right on this one, and I am sorry to say, you may be better off just listening for a couple of months, and then if you STILL don't GET what it is that I and my staff does, your best bet is the other side of the street.

P.S. Just take my advice, Please.
Ya I like "Matrix"....

So long as it doesn't involve swallowing any kind of blue or red pill.....

(and so long as it does involve running sideways on walls and kicking ass)
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