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I wish I know more about TGM, then I can understand all that code words mentioned in the Putting Plane posting. And I buy the ARC thingy very much, but I just want to find out what should be the thought in mind when putt. Puttingarc mentioned in his posting about the shaft plane, my coach had explained it once about the relation of the shaft plane and club head relation. The shaft of the putter is travelling on the plane, but because of the fix centre that we have the clubhead of the putter is travelling in an ARC from.
The reason why I am asking that question is that, a lot of expert told me that putting is all about shoulder (pendulum) motion and should keeping our hands and wrist quite. But what confuses me is that, A lot of people believe that putting is a pendulum motion, but in fact it truly look alike a pendulum motion. But what I learnt, putting is rely on a fair bit of hand/ wrist action, of lagging the club head, rather then using the shoulder. I believe chipping is exactly the same apart from the setup. (due to the design of the club.)
Putting and chipping has a great dependency on distance control, and it is easier to feel the distance with our hand rather then our shoulder. And using the hand to lag the club head will give me more consistency in getting a better impact. When I am using my hand and wrist to chip N putt, on video it looks alike I am using my shoulder instead of hand. Again, is Visualisation V.s force and feel
And what Mr. Locke mentioned on his book
7 - Take the putter back far enough to build potential energy
Not saying that Mr. Locke point is wrong, but I learnt that in all golf swing, forward swing is very much the essential part. What I am not sure is that if we are going for a 40feet putt, according to what Mr. Locke said, how far do we have to take away. Is that a statement related to swing meter?

My believe of putting is very much rely on forward-lining shaft and the follow-through give us the energy, or should the main source of energy come from taking the putter back. Seeing all these top tour players on TV using Boomstick putter and belly button putter is the bit that I can never understand. Are they lagging that long thing, or they are not?

In my opinion both items you are discussing are correct. The stroke should be dictated by the shoulders. The feel of the stroke comes from the hands.

In TGM it is said the pivot (body) should be trained, then the arms, then the hands. You should train the shoulders to move on an inclined plance consistantly. Hopefully this will be a plane angle which runs from the ball through the shoulders.

From their the arms should be trained to move in plane with the putter shaft. From there the hands are trained for feel by using certain pressures.

The wrist should move during the stroke
The plane angle of the shaft is the correct plane
Taking what Bobby Locke "SAID" and not what he "DID"

Hope this helps
quote:Originally posted by puttingarc


In my opinion both items you are discussing are correct. The stroke should be dictated by the shoulders. The feel of the stroke comes from the hands.

In TGM it is said the pivot (body) should be trained, then the arms, then the hands. You should train the shoulders to move on an inclined plance consistantly. Hopefully this will be a plane angle which runs from the ball through the shoulders.

From their the arms should be trained to move in plane with the putter shaft. From there the hands are trained for feel by using certain pressures.

The wrist should move during the stroke
The plane angle of the shaft is the correct plane
Taking what Bobby Locke "SAID" and not what he "DID"

Hope this helps
The only problem with the Putting Arc training aid is that one size has to fit all. The plane is not adjustable. You would have to go to the factory and get a Putting Arc built that personally fits the user. In Britian, they sell a putting plane aid that is adjustable.
"Would you say then that a putting stroke should be hands-controlled pivot or pivot-controlled hands?"

It can be either. If you "freeze" your hands and trace the planeline with the right forarm BY ROCKING YOUR SHOULDERS, you are using pivot controlled hands. If you trace the plane line by moving your right forarm and let your shoulders respond to your right forarm movement, it is hands controlled pivot.
quote:Originally posted by puttingarc


In my opinion both items you are discussing are correct. The stroke should be dictated by the shoulders. The feel of the stroke comes from the hands.

In TGM it is said the pivot (body) should be trained, then the arms, then the hands. You should train the shoulders to move on an inclined plance consistantly. Hopefully this will be a plane angle which runs from the ball through the shoulders.

From their the arms should be trained to move in plane with the putter shaft. From there the hands are trained for feel by using certain pressures.

The wrist should move during the stroke
The plane angle of the shaft is the correct plane
Taking what Bobby Locke "SAID" and not what he "DID"

Hope this helps
According to what you had corrected me
THE WRIST SHOUlD not be moved
The shoulder should be dictating the stroke

Do you mean that we should scooping the shot (hitting the ball with a pendulum motion), rather then hitting the ball with leaning shaft with compression.

With forward leaning shaft hitting the ball, should it be having a bend right arm (trailing arm) and arched left arm (leading arm) to compress the ball. Hence the set up and the grip of Putting is different to the Driver and irons.

Also, what I am addressing about the shaft, is the shaft is moving along its plane and the body is behind it, therefore the putter face is travelling from inside the target line to square.
Buy a 1" by 10" by 3 foot pine board. Prop it up with a couple of dumb bells setting the board to the angle of your putter shaft at address. Swing the putter back and forth (you can even putt balls)
along the board. Use the right forearm pickup to start the stroke with an angled hinge. The right hand should work like a paddle wheel.
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