Q: uncock it and then roll, roll and then uncock, or both at the same time?

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Steve is correct BUT if the feel of a sequenced release helps you there is nothing wrong with it. there are a lot of fantasy in the golf swing lol

Looks like a lot of uncocking before any roll?????
The roll begins way before you see it. Even Homer states that you prepare to roll from the top of the swing. It happens the same time as the uncocking, but the roll takes longer to complete. If you uncock with no attempt to roll immediately, I find it really easy to lag the hosel. I think hooking the finger with the clubface, as Brian discusses, is another way to prepare to roll as set out in 12-3, which is interestingly the only thing in that section fully capitalized.
Sorry, but I just find these statements amusing:

"Even Homer says....blah, blah....."

Does that imply that Homer is no longer the ultimate authority, but not yet the bottom of the barrell, so he can serve as a tie-breaker?

OK. Commentary over.
The roll begins way before you see it. Even Homer states that you prepare to roll from the top of the swing. It happens the same time as the uncocking, but the roll takes longer to complete. If you uncock with no attempt to roll immediately, I find it really easy to lag the hosel. I think hooking the finger with the clubface, as Brian discusses, is another way to prepare to roll as set out in 12-3, which is interestingly the only thing in that section fully capitalized.

At 9 second mark I begin to see uncocking and the pivot moving right but no roll???

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
The roll begins way before you see it. Even Homer states that you prepare to roll from the top of the swing. It happens the same time as the uncocking, but the roll takes longer to complete. If you uncock with no attempt to roll immediately, I find it really easy to lag the hosel. I think hooking the finger with the clubface, as Brian discusses, is another way to prepare to roll as set out in 12-3, which is interestingly the only thing in that section fully capitalized.

Take it from a long time slicer--you have to start the roll from the top. Wasn't that also something Brian said that made Kevin or Micheal Finney fall out of his chair at the first GTE?--that the club face will naturally open up from the top of the backswing. So, if it wants to open all by itself, the golfer has to apply a force(roll) to prevent and overcome it.
The roll begins way before you see it. Even Homer states that you prepare to roll from the top of the swing. It happens the same time as the uncocking, but the roll takes longer to complete. If you uncock with no attempt to roll immediately, I find it really easy to lag the hosel. I think hooking the finger with the clubface, as Brian discusses, is another way to prepare to roll as set out in 12-3, which is interestingly the only thing in that section fully capitalized.

How and at which point do you discern whether roll is present or absent in an observed stroke?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
I think people are seeing his hands moving down, and "seeing" uncocking, though the downward hand movement can be explained by Phil pivoting towards the target.

If there's any uncocking before the roll starts, I don't think it's much.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Take it from a long time slicer--you have to start the roll from the top. Wasn't that also something Brian said that made Kevin or Micheal Finney fall out of his chair at the first GTE?--that the club face will naturally open up from the top of the backswing. So, if it wants to open all by itself, the golfer has to apply a force(roll) to prevent and overcome it.

yes, when engaging the pivot some force acts on the club and tries to force it more open...this is why all goods swing have a little "twist" in them to resist this opening.
Do you really see uncocking? I know its a late roll but I see zero uncocking.

I see at 10 second mark he begins uncocking.

This clip Tiger starts uncocking at 40 second mark as clearly the angle between his left arm and club shaft has lessened compared to the top of the backswing.
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