Question about reaching the left pivot point

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Can someone please explain to me the optimal relationship of the hips, shoulders and power package when you FIRST reach your left pivot point? Here are my thoughts:

1) Your weight can't get left until your left leg begins to straighten SOME. Not the whole way, but at least some.

2) If your left leg is straightening chances are your hips are squaring up and snapping that hip socket around. So I'll vote dead square to slightly closed.

3) With any pivot lag, and assuming #2 is correct, your shoulders are probably more closed than your hips.

4) When you're "there" (at you're pivot point) the shaft is at or just past vertical for the last time.

5) Pour on the right arm and you're home.

Thoughts? For some reason I need confirmation this is correct :cool:
Furthermore, what's the weight distribution (left vs. right) throughout the swing for a "neutral" pattern (let's assume a 7 iron)?

Address - 55/45?
End - 40/60?
Transition - 60/40?
Impact - 90/10?

If you couldn't tell I'm having a hard time w/ my pivot lately :)
If the answer is
Address - 75/25
End - 30/70
Transition - 60/40
Impact - 90/10.

What difference does it make? How will you know if you hit those ratios?
You can't measure those positions. Furthermore, it varies depending on the terrain and shot. The swing is a motion from start to finish, not 4 positions.
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