Question of the Day...with a prize!

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The word "Secret" is printed exactly four times in The Golfing Machine. Two of them are used as titles. The other two are in the text which I've mentioned already.

So whatever the third "secret" is, Homer didn't put the word "secret" next to it!

I'd love to be enlightened though, Tom :)
I said in an earlier post that the secret of golf is to get the ball in the hole quickly. I should clarify: the secret of "playing golf" is to give your attention/focus/energy to getting the ball in the hole while you are on the course. Line of compression may be the secret of the "golf swing" but the question Brian asked was, "what's the secret of golf." Are we playing golf (get the ball in the hole) or are we "playing golf swing?"

Tom Bartlett

If you say that getting the ball in the hole quickly is the secret of golf, then sustaining the line of compression will allow you to most likely do that the quickest.

Tom Bartlett

Tongzilla you are correct. It doesn't have the word secret next to it per say. But, if you look in the index under secret of golf, it lists three locations; 2-0 (line of compression) 6-B-2-0...which is incorrect, it should be 6-C-2-0 (clubhead lag) and 4-D...It talks about the flat left wrist (number one alignment) and straightening the right arm (extensor action) without losing the bend in the right wrist. Three dimensional impact, aka, clubhead lag, aka, line of compression.

Tom Bartlett

Back to wallaceja. Pool, like golf, the secret is also sustaining the line of compression. But, according to you, it would be getting the balls in the pockets. I would say, that like getting the ball in the hole in as few strokes as possible in golf, those are the objects of the game. You play a pool player or golfer who can sustain the line of compression, and you can't, over any length of time you will lose the object of the game.
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