First of all I didn't "Demand" anything. Reread the post. I asked you a question and made a suggestion. You tore down and critcized a Dante procedure that a subscriber had a question about. I suggested, not demanded, since this forum is about learning that you could substantiate your position. Far from a demand, wouldn't you say?
You couldn't! You can't build, only tear down! I won money, because your so predictable and vanilla. Don't hate me, because I'm not allowing you a free ride.
I come here to learn from people. I know my place. I hope to improve my game from capturing info from, qualified sources.
Since you have come to the forefront the quality of information has been diluted, because you distract the Brians, Holenone, etc. etc.,that have much to contribute.
You, on the otherhand never really say anything, or explain anything. You just say everyone else, Dante, Kelly, Brian, TGM, Holenone, whoever is wrong, but never explain why. What could be a great topic and and instructional moment, turns into crap, thank you. Your like the Crap Midas. You touch it, it turns to Sh--!
I have decided to take my favorite site on the internet back. I am not going to let you hold it hostage! You exploit Brian's kindness and fairness. You linger here and compromise the site, but Brian takes the High road and pitys you, even has empathy for you and allows you to hang around. How do you thank him? You don't!
So, If you say something relevant to the posted topic, or for the first time in 250 posts, provide a benefit to the forum, I'll not intervene. If you continue your guerilla tactics to compromise this sights quality, I'll hold you accountable.
If Brian will put up with you, I guess you will have to put up with me? Sorry, Charlie! Five bucks, please!