@ wulsy .....
Since you summoned up Dariusz to save yer sorry arse, and he offered you some misleading info to shore up your misbeliefs, I searched through the scientific literature to come up with something definitive on knee kinetics and foot shear.
Read this and educate your ball-beating brainlet, if you can:
<A HREF="http://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=MnC60GN8PJ4C&oi=fnd&pg=PA20&dq=a+kinetic+analysis+of+the+knees+during+a+golf+swing,+gatt&ots=p2_tC_MLcQ&sig=rikN6kqiMGYVp1DFrJ5tAzb81Lw#v=onepage&q=a%20kinetic%20analysis%20of%20the%20knees%20during%20a%20golf%20swing%2C%20gatt&f=false">A Kinetic Analysis of the Knees During a Golf Swing</A>
And yes, I have more brains than talent when it comes to the golfswing... whereas you don't. I suspect that equalizes us out, and may even allow me to trash your butt where it counts.... because brains beats bullsh!t ... and don't play with scientific fire...!!!
Since you summoned up Dariusz to save yer sorry arse, and he offered you some misleading info to shore up your misbeliefs, I searched through the scientific literature to come up with something definitive on knee kinetics and foot shear.
Read this and educate your ball-beating brainlet, if you can:
<A HREF="http://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=MnC60GN8PJ4C&oi=fnd&pg=PA20&dq=a+kinetic+analysis+of+the+knees+during+a+golf+swing,+gatt&ots=p2_tC_MLcQ&sig=rikN6kqiMGYVp1DFrJ5tAzb81Lw#v=onepage&q=a%20kinetic%20analysis%20of%20the%20knees%20during%20a%20golf%20swing%2C%20gatt&f=false">A Kinetic Analysis of the Knees During a Golf Swing</A>
And yes, I have more brains than talent when it comes to the golfswing... whereas you don't. I suspect that equalizes us out, and may even allow me to trash your butt where it counts.... because brains beats bullsh!t ... and don't play with scientific fire...!!!