Quick grip question

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When using an overlapping grip, where should the tip of the left trigger finger sit?

I ran accross a picture that showed the trigger finger much deeper into the pocket of the left hand than I have ever had it. I tried it and now when the grip is complete, the tip of the left trigger finger sits inside the right hand heel pad, sort of towards the right hand life line. The bones/knuckles on the inside of the right hand between the ring finger and the pinkie seem to make a nice spot to wedge the left trigger finger.

Previously, I had the end of the forefinger "uncovered" by the right heel pad and I've always had issues with my right heel pad slipping in the swing.

Can anyone tell me if this is something they have seen/done before and if it is acceptable or not?

Thank you in advance.
I can only comment on my own grip, but (covered) is exactly where my left forefinger has nestled for decades. In my opinion, that is standard position.
A second grip question. Should the left thumb pad and entire thumb be in contact with the grip or is it permissable to just have the "thumbprint" on the grip?
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