Having your hands in a cast would have ZERO effect on your ability to apply force perpendicular to the swing arc.
You could straighten your body, your could bend your arms, you could stay bent over and straighten your legs....etc
The club doesn't know or care.
For max distance, you need all.
Yes, you can bend your arms inward like LD Sadlowski does, or straighten your <i>lead</i> leg going into impact like Tiger; and this applies additional force vectors to the 'normal' centripetal force along the swing radius.
However, I don't understand how one can "straighten your body" to effectively apply additional acceleration force. I can see keeping your spine straight and tilted through impact while the hips rotate open. This is where duffers fail because they block their hips approaching impact and then straighten their spinal tilt by opening their hips thus causing extreme over the top situation. You must maintain spinal tilt through impact which crunches your rear rib cage into your pelvis!! If you've got a paunch, you can't do this easily or at all.
So my question is how can you straighten your body while bending your arms and straightening your lead leg coming into impact? (Of course you must straighten the body in the final followthru but that's post-impact.)