Real difference in hitting and swinging?

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From what I understand, the difference between hitting and swinging is that when you hit, you push the club through the ball and when swinging, you pull/drag the club through the ball.

I have also heard that there are differences in the pivot, hand action, etc.

Brian, could you tell me what the real difference is? How do you look at someone and say "This person hits" or "This person swings"? Can you do both at the same time? Thanks.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Yes you can do both at the same time.

Why is "hitting" frowned on by some TGM ers? Evans once said that nearly all PGA players "Hit." "Hitting" seems to be the ugly cousin in the sceme of things.... a fat man's swing.
I swear some days Els looks like a classic "Hitter" and on others, maybe when hyponized by that tempo, a classic "swinger."

It doesn't seem to be that easy to detect when looking at film, or is it?

Damn snow. I need sun and green fairways real soon.
quote:Originally posted by mgjordan

From what I understand, the difference between hitting and swinging is that when you hit, you push the club through the ball and when swinging, you pull/drag the club through the ball.

I have also heard that there are differences in the pivot, hand action, etc.

Brian, could you tell me what the real difference is? How do you look at someone and say "This person hits" or "This person swings"? Can you do both at the same time? Thanks.

To me this sounds as if a 'swinger' is more left side oriented and a 'hitter' is more right side oriented, for a right handed player that is.


quote:Originally posted by brianman

Yes you can do both at the same time.

Could you elaborate please? I believe the opposite is true, that one cannot hit and swing at the same time, using TGM definition. Interested in hearing your logic behind it.





Sent you an email on this, but then read your email isnt working.

Regarding the hitting/swinging at the same time, the quote you are referring to: "do either (hit or swing) or both (hit and swing)." is referring to doing either on in different swings. Homer at it again in the way he wrote it is throwing you off. This of course is different then a 4 barrell swing....

If we look further:
"Lag loading is classified according to differences in procedures for accelerating the secondary lever assembly. That is -radially or longitudinally - which are mutually exclusive. That is, both cannot be applied at the same time."

"Either 12-1 or 12-2, not both at the same time"

Basically, trying to do both is going to result in loss of lag pressure due to the differences in the way the shaft is stressed.



quote:Originally posted by mgjordan

Why can't you pull with your left at the same time you are driving with your right?

Good question. I suppose you can, but you wouldnt want to. You would lose lag pressure immediately....the shaft bends either radially or longitudinally, so to introduce the opposite would result in the it losing its flex - and lag pressure with it.

This is a different concept then a 4 barrel stroke. In a 4 barrel, the last accumulator added should NEVER supercede the original loading method...meaning, you wouldnt want pp#1 thrust to overtake centrifugal force.

Hope this makes sense.



I wouldn't say hitting is a poor cousin to swinging. A lot of pros swing with their driver and hit with their short irons. Perhaps the majority hit with their short irons...?...


I never said hitting was a poor cousin....I was just using an example. The same example would be if you used PP#1/Accumulator#1 as your acceleration method, and the tried to use centrifugal force only to drag the club through impact.

In either case, the original stressing of the shaft would become 'unstressed'.


Brian Manzella

Administrator email is working again(new system)...

I got your mail but with the Holidays, couldn't reply.

I feel as though a ROTATING system is swinging and a PURE DRIVING one is 'pure' HITTING.

Shafts stress and un-stress for a VARITEY of reasons, too numerous to mention.

All I am saying is a HIGH performance swing has ROTATION and DRIVE_OUT right arm.
I've been experimenting with both.. Here are some thoughts/feelings:

Hitting: push, right side, boring ball flight, short follow through (see arnie, azinger) less moving parts, simpler, straight shot/fade, effort power, harder to maintain flat left wrist, better for short game, less than full shots.

Swinging: pull, draw/more ball movement, more power (when done correctly), higher ball flight, effortless power, less thought about "flat left wrist", takes divot more ahead of the ball, smooth swing/full follow through (see Monty), left side dominent

Appreciate comments...

Brian Manzella

Hey Bono...

(Of Course I have saying this over and over)

In Homer's Note's he says: "Right Arm thrust can add considerable yardage for an out and out Swinger".

I think this means I am right, no?


quote:Originally posted by brianman

Hey Bono...

(Of Course I have saying this over and over)

In Homer's Note's he says: "Right Arm thrust can add considerable yardage for an out and out Swinger".

I think this means I am right, no?

I agree - but that would be a 4 barrel. NOT swinging/hitting the same time. Drag loading, Drive Loading, etc are just acceleration methods. What I am saying is, if you began to drag load at the top at lets say immediately added a strong pp#1 thrust, you could negate the drag loading - and the initial flex in the shaft would dissipate (longitudinal) because you would then be trying to stress the shaft radially.

Therefore loss of lag pressure.



My small brain looks at Right Arm Thrust as being present in a 3 or 4 barrel Swinging Procedure but it is always inert. At anytime one begins to focus on adding right arm to a Swinging Procedure, that Procedure has then moved from Swinging To Hitting. Ben used to call it, "Wrong Right Arm."

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