Release Confusion from friend of Hat & Cook

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Here's a link to a video clip by Bruce McCarrol, a top ranked instructor in Canada.

I believe he's saying, here, that the trailing wrist flattens through impact (or that the right wrist is 'flattened' when the clubhead is about 1 foot to 1 and 1/2 feet past the impact position). He says that release is "not a rolling," it is a flattening of the right wrist.

Isn't this contrary to TGM?

It's confusing for me because he says that he has spent a signicant amount of time working with Chuck Cook and Gregg McHatton. Shouldn't he know better?
Or is this just a relatively experienced instructor who has exposure to TGM, but believes in a flattening right wrist during 'release'? is it possible that many instructors 'know' of the flat right wrist but just don't 'buy it'?

i am confused...

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You should be confused, i know what he is saying and it is correct sorta but he could be saying it in a different way.

All he is saying is that release is from the right arm straightening THROUGH the "both arms straight position" which is FOLLOW THROUGH.

There is no rolling or flipping of the clubhead UNTIL BOTH ARMS ARE STRAIGHT.

Make more sense?

In this case Appleby is more of a hitter so more than likely his left wrist is going to bend however in a swinger's case it will have a release swivel where the left arm rolls (while the left wrist stays flat and the right wrist stays bent) before it begins to re-cock up the plane.


He really should've worded that in a different way though i think.
Judging by the video, and this guy's website, he teaches his version of 'swinging.'
Also, he is saying that release is a straightening of the right elbow AND flattening of the right wrist.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

You should be confused, i know what he is saying and it is correct sorta but he could be saying it in a different way.


He really should've worded that in a different way though i think.

Notice those 2 lines ;)
Hi Jim,
thanks for your initial reply. It made me think...and realize that I don't understand release. for instance, what is the 'release swivel'?
Are there any threads on this forum which explain that?

Thanks Jim

Tom Bartlett

Release, refers to the release of accumulators #2 and #3. It can be either sequenced (swinging) or simultaneous (hitting).

"Release Roll" (swivel) is a rotation of the hands into impact alignment by accumulator #3 (normally swingers).
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