Brian: You wrote this on the " Best approach for improvement " thread
2) I overswing at the top (right arm bent too far, some right wrist break-down)
Brian: Make sure you feel like your right arm is stretching your left arm away from you the WHOLE SWING."
Chuck Evans deals with this in his Ebook on page 97. I have recently started feeling that I have more of this right tricep push in my backstroke so instead of arriving at a backstroke position that looks OK at the top with no feeling of push/ stretching in the right arm. My strike is now much less sloppy and has more crunch and power to it. The power package feels much more structured.
Can you go into the significance of this stretching and describe how the right amount of stretching should feel? Thanks.
2) I overswing at the top (right arm bent too far, some right wrist break-down)
Brian: Make sure you feel like your right arm is stretching your left arm away from you the WHOLE SWING."
Chuck Evans deals with this in his Ebook on page 97. I have recently started feeling that I have more of this right tricep push in my backstroke so instead of arriving at a backstroke position that looks OK at the top with no feeling of push/ stretching in the right arm. My strike is now much less sloppy and has more crunch and power to it. The power package feels much more structured.
Can you go into the significance of this stretching and describe how the right amount of stretching should feel? Thanks.