Right Foot and it's ability to change your game

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I am a big believer that most faults can be cured in the setup.

A while back I remember Brian specifically stating that anybody who needed help posting up (snapping the chain) should try pigeon toeing their left foot a bit to help get some slight hip bump.

I tried what to me seemed like the same idea, only I flared out my right foot. This move helped me with two things:

1. It really helps me get my right hip behind me early in the backswing

2. It makes it nearly impossible for me to make my "spin first, club moves out causing a fit in move at impact" downswing move.

Maybe it's just something that I need to do, but has anybody else had any success with a flared right foot?
I'd like to see some opinions as well.

My right heal comes up too early, and my heal moves over my toe quickly into a spinout.

Keeping my right heal down seems to help with my "snap," but requires conscious thought.


Golfball, yes re this:

Maybe it's just something that I need to do, but has anybody else had any success with a flared right foot?

It makes it nearly impossible for me to make my "spin first, club moves out causing a fit in move at impact" downswing move.

At one point I was spinning hips too much and certainly too early, and the instructor (McKinney) had me flare my right foot out some. It helps, for me, to keep the right knee from being able to assist the "spin out" otherwise. Instead I feel the inside of the knee in the shift.

I don't regularly use it as a setup key now, but from time to time, I do put it into play 'by feel'...for certain shots...not sure, maybe draws where I want the path more right anyway...

As to the part about preventing a fitin move, that was not a part of it for me (though I've had that too, but it was due to a not retaining spine angle situation).
I think foot flare (of both feet) is one of the most critical setup elements that can affect swing repeatability and impact alignments. I have successfully used Foot flare, grip, and ball position combinations to 1.) influence a particular shot shape and 2.) control missed shots in one desired direction.

Foot flare is not talked about much in golf instruction literature, but Brian's NHA video, Hogan's 5 Lessons, and the LAWS of the Golf Swing are three works that mention the importance of getting it correct per the desired shot shape, swing pattern, or flexibility characteristics of the golfer.


New member
Look at how nicely he does it!:
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Golfball, yes re this:

At one point I was spinning hips too much and certainly too early, and the instructor (McKinney) had me flare my right foot out some. It helps, for me, to keep the right knee from being able to assist the "spin out" otherwise. Instead I feel the inside of the knee in the shift.

I don't regularly use it as a setup key now, but from time to time, I do put it into play 'by feel'...for certain shots...not sure, maybe draws where I want the path more right anyway...

As to the part about preventing a fitin move, that was not a part of it for me (though I've had that too, but it was due to a not retaining spine angle situation).

Flare that foot and let the kinetic chain snap its little heart out. Powerful.


New member
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Re: .. flared right foot.

That immediately makes me wonder about the shape and alignment of your legs, because repositioning your feet affects you knee and hip joint action.

If you are slightly knock-kneed or bow-legged, you will have to accommodate that through foot positioning to achieve a proper pelvic rotation.

In body anatomy, there is something called the "Q-angle" which is an angular measurement between your upper and lower leg at the knee. The Q-angle is quite different between men and women with wide hip structure. It's one reason why women have difficulty at running sports and even the golfswing. Look it up.

How you position your feet affects the resolution of "ground reaction forces" that result from feet and leg action. Experimenting for foot positioning is about all you can do now because it gets complex. Sorry ....


New member
It's one reason why women have difficulty at running sports and even the golfswing. Look it up.

Where is the scientific study supporting this statement?


New member
It's one reason why women have difficulty at running sports and even the golfswing. Look it up.

Where is the scientific study supporting this statement?

The Q-angle decreases with IQA, and the magnitude of this decrease is dependent on the magnitude of the Q-angle at rest. Our findings support the view that an excessive Q-angle may predispose women to greater lateral displacement of the patella during vigorous activities and sports in which the quadriceps muscle is stressed.
Source: Effects of isometric quadriceps activation on the ... [J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2000] - PubMed result


New member
The words May Predispose and an excessive Q-angle tell it all. Nothing about that's why women struggle with the golfswing ,that's quite a leap to get to that conclusion. But i guess we solved why women struggle at golf, "well you know Betty today i had an excessive Q-angle and that's why i played so bad"...lol. Now if only we can find the answer/excuse for the men...lol.
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