right forearm on plane line???

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Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
Trail Shoulder Location/Plane.

You want Ummmph?

Use your trail shoulder correctly!

Great post ---

The big 3

Shoulder, Hands, and Sweetpsot -- "All aimed up"

Folks out there only monitoring right forearm are allowing that sweetspot to slip below plane and are fully engrossed in the below plane syndrome

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You can golf right-handed but can't play hockey RH?

Here's what happened to me:

I'm a natural left hander, who played baseball from age 6 on up. However i was taught to bat RIGHTY. I became a "natural" right handed hitter that wasn't very powerful but i was a little guy too.

Eventually my brother made me learn to switch hit. Even though batting lefty was the most akward thing ever, boy did i freakn' hit it farther. Felt horrible, but when i made contact LOOK OUT LOL.

When i learned to play hockey i bought the a lefty stick by mistake and figured, well might as well learn correctly and glad i did. I had one of the fastest shots in our park district league and i barely weighed 150lbs. People made fun of my shot until they couldn't see it as it approached the goalie ;). I was clocked in the mid 80s for my shot which is pretty damn fast considering NHL guys clock in over 100 (fastest ones anyway).

So when i learned to play golf i went righty because it just felt more natural to me, left handed felt very akward, just like hitting in baseball.
Influence of the pivot


Wouldn't different pivot types change how open a golfers shoulders should be, and also how low the trail side shoulder should end up at impact?

I'm thinking of players that look like Hogan at impact vs players that look like Davis Love III.

I learned something about incompatible pivots today in front of my net...

Dariusz J.

New member
When i learned to play hockey i bought the a lefty stick by mistake and figured, well might as well learn correctly and glad i did. I had one of the fastest shots in our park district league and i barely weighed 150lbs. People made fun of my shot until they couldn't see it as it approached the goalie ;). I was clocked in the mid 80s for my shot which is pretty damn fast considering NHL guys clock in over 100 (fastest ones anyway).

Jim, I bet you liked the beginning of the "Happy Gilmore" movie...:D



Here's what happened to me:

I'm a natural left hander, who played baseball from age 6 on up. However i was taught to bat RIGHTY. I became a "natural" right handed hitter that wasn't very powerful but i was a little guy too.

Eventually my brother made me learn to switch hit. Even though batting lefty was the most akward thing ever, boy did i freakn' hit it farther. Felt horrible, but when i made contact LOOK OUT LOL.

When i learned to play hockey i bought the a lefty stick by mistake and figured, well might as well learn correctly and glad i did. I had one of the fastest shots in our park district league and i barely weighed 150lbs. People made fun of my shot until they couldn't see it as it approached the goalie ;). I was clocked in the mid 80s for my shot which is pretty damn fast considering NHL guys clock in over 100 (fastest ones anyway).

So when i learned to play golf i went righty because it just felt more natural to me, left handed felt very akward, just like hitting in baseball.

OK Jim- I'm a hockey fan and have played golf with a number of hockey players. Every one of them hit the ball a mile and every one of them said they just hit a slap shot. How does a hockey player execute a slap shot?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
OK Jim- I'm a hockey fan and have played golf with a number of hockey players. Every one of them hit the ball a mile and every one of them said they just hit a slap shot. How does a hockey player execute a slap shot?

Wind up, lift the arms, hit the puck as hard as you can with the feeling of hitting it further into the ice :D

That's all i ever thought about haha. I went through so many blades it wasn't even funny, i started getting a discount from the shop.


New member
snip for brevity...

What is absolute?

An impact interval clubhead path and clubface combination, at the appropriate speed, with the appropriate club, for the intended shotthat’s it!

This path is 3 dimensional, and it is relative to the golf ball. It includes the angle of decent, and the direction relative to the target.

The trick is finding your best means of creating those ideal impact conditions.

That’s where the MANZELLA MATRIX and Brian Manzella come in. :)

I agree with M Jacobs.... great post and insight.
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