Here's what happened to me:
I'm a natural left hander, who played baseball from age 6 on up. However i was taught to bat RIGHTY. I became a "natural" right handed hitter that wasn't very powerful but i was a little guy too.
Eventually my brother made me learn to switch hit. Even though batting lefty was the most akward thing ever, boy did i freakn' hit it farther. Felt horrible, but when i made contact LOOK OUT LOL.
When i learned to play hockey i bought the a lefty stick by mistake and figured, well might as well learn correctly and glad i did. I had one of the fastest shots in our park district league and i barely weighed 150lbs. People made fun of my shot until they couldn't see it as it approached the goalie
. I was clocked in the mid 80s for my shot which is pretty damn fast considering NHL guys clock in over 100 (fastest ones anyway).
So when i learned to play golf i went righty because it just felt more natural to me, left handed felt very akward, just like hitting in baseball.