Right Forearm on "plane"

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Opps, well since the edit button isnt working, im just going to write in here, what i meant to put up there.

After getting information on the golf machine, and studying the Moe Norman website, and the Graves academy website, I've been trying to get my right forearm on plane, but cant for the life of me. Im sure its something in my grip, but i just cant get my right forearm on plane, unless i really bend my right elbow. So if anyone has any pointers on getting the right forearm on plane, that would be awesome :) Thanks,

Opps, well since the edit button isnt working, im just going to write in here, what i meant to put up there.

After getting information on the golf machine, and studying the Moe Norman website, and the Graves academy website, I've been trying to get my right forearm on plane, but cant for the life of me. Im sure its something in my grip, but i just cant get my right forearm on plane, unless i really bend my right elbow. So if anyone has any pointers on getting the right forearm on plane, that would be awesome :) Thanks,


Try getting it on plane by resting your right forearm and clubshaft on a flat surface ( eg. table). That tells you it is possible and yes your right elbow will be bent. You can feel what a right on-plane forearm feels like. This doesn't work perfectly if you insist on everything being absolutely flat on the table!! but it gives you the idea. You can also just check out the alignment in a large mirror. Also look at Sergio Garcia seting up for a shot. Club in right hand only grounds the club, right forearm on plane, adjusts left hand and body and then appears to relax arms a little so the "Adjusted address" opsition has the right foream just above plane of shaft...BUT it will come back to on-plane for impact!

Now go to the position that you think you should be at impact, but retain the feeling of the on-plane right forearm. This position is called "Impact Fix" in The golfing Machine - an opportunity to rehearse the alignments of impact and set your head/or other swing centre .

The degree of right elbow bend depends on the plane angle of your swing coming into impact. If the plane angle is shallow ( eg. elbow plane) then you will have more elbow bend. If steeper, then you will have less. BUT the right elbow should be bent at impact. Otherwise you will be "running out of right arm"...

If you find it hard to achieve this then your right shoulder may be too high at impact . If the right shoulder gets lower then the right elbow can stay bent right up to and beyond impact.

Getting your right shoulder down plane involves axis tilt. Your hips shift towards the target independent of the shoulder movement. ( TGM calls this "Hula Hula" hip movement) If you do not tilt your axis the right shoulder comes around and stays high as your lower body unwinds from top of backswing.

RIght elbow straightens too soon and you are on your way to flipping ( bending the left wrist/straightening the right wrist and hence closing the clubface) before impact!!

See "Confessions of a former flipper" and everything Manzella on youtube!! If you like those then buy everything on this site!!
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