Rocco Mediate

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Still not getting the comment about the left elbow after watching these vids.

My take on this is..
Watch the left arm from the elbow to the shoulder during impact, it folds or stays close to his upper body.
The area is replaced by the right arm very quickly at impact.


I believe it lets him release his whole right side .... I think that is his feel.... if he pulls the left arm or it is too far off his body or the right arm is tucked coming down it blocks his body back ...


"No one any good moves the club forward thru impact" (I thought that was interesting)

Where does it go? Up?
"If you pull, how can your left elbow move into your body?"

Also having trouble understanding this. Watching the video, I'll take a guess at meaning it moves inward through impact, or away from the target line..?
Does the science say anything about these differences as far as "#2 angle" advantages or are they just different?

This looks way steeper than I would think advisable?

In terms of the tumble, and getting a good hand path... this type of elbow move is exactly what I *was* doing with very little rotation, and a near vertical shaft going back. And sometimes I would hook the ball off the planet getting a little underplane to fit the shaft in, and a closed club face! The extra forearm rotation that Rocco talks about NOT having here is exactly what has led to better ballstriking for me, 'cause I can shallow the shaft out more at the top then tumble into the ball (with hands well inside the target line).

Looks like here he is steep, then the shaft flattens out late in the downswing to save it? Having been there, done that, I'd imagine he is familiar with the left side of the course?
Hmm. I have been pushing/pulling my hands toward the target my entire golfing life. I'm going to make an effort to get the hands moving down, and then up at impact, while letting the pivot take care of the forward.
Interesting where his shaft is at around the .58 sec mark. He may be standing closed to the target line but his swing direction is not as in to out as some might suggest. I speculate that standing closed relative to the swing direction allows a free turn back, but limits overdoing the pivot on the way down, helping to close the gap. No doubt he releases the CP as the eggheads suggest! ;) If you stand square to the target line and swing left you are effectively closed to the actual swing direction. An open stance tends to encourage underplane issues for me.
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