I have no doubt McIlroy has the talent to putt very well - and he obviously has courage and the ability to execute under pressure; his long game proves that. I wanted to see him win on Sunday - he has a wonderful swing, a great attacking approach and is a nice guy to go with it.
But Kevin, do you actually think McIroy's stroke is good? I really don't. At Augusta, I didn't like where his face and eyes were pointing, I didn't like where his hands were (too close to his body) and I didn't like how he blocked it. Routinely. The miss was so consistent - and it was because he couldn't 'flip' his putterface from close range.
It was downright tragic that the player himself cleary had no idea how to go about fixing up his problem.
Some people seem to think this is me taking a pop at him - that's not what this is about. Swing teachers routinely get called out for their full swing ideas and players' full swing mechanics.
To take the analogy further, Tiger always had the talent to play well standing on his head - did he always do so? Nope. Were his mechanics at fault? Maybe. Was it worth talking about? Yes.
When McIlroy plays to a +7 or +8 handicap from 100 yards plus (guess), and putts like a 10 handicapper from days one to three and an 18 handicapper or worse on day 4, it is worth looking at why.
Is there a Manzella putting matrix? Where would McIlroy be on it? What kind of ideas/information could help him?
Putting is just as much a science as the full swing, but some people are talking like it is a black art.
I could easily seem him switching to something like what Adam Scott is doing, and a visit to Stockton should certainly be on the agenda.
If he doesn't make serious changes, this problem will keep hurting throughout his career.