Sam Snead, do I see throwaway!?

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Bob Toski's complete guide to better golf...!!!!

once upon a time, my go to book when something creeped into my swing, the causes and cures section, my best friend!

The swing model section is nice, including Snead, dunno, if there was a more complete, frame by frame, at the time of my purchase, mid to late 80's?

Throwaway? well, he's no Gary Player, but not bad when I compare him to the other models in this book. Maybe a little creeping in on frame 7. You know what though, proof's in the repeatable swing. How did Snead stack up in distance and accurcy to the field at that time? If he had retained the angle, or (decreased) it on the downswing, would it have helped or hurt his timing? Who knows...

I have been working on keeping my right heel down at impact. I don't think any of the models kept it down, though Bobby Nichols, maybe Lanny Wadkins, seems the closest. Most seem to be near the toe at impact.


A little off topic, but is this a good example of swinging - where in pics 8-10 he is uncocking then rolling?
Uncocking just starts in frame 8 and continues between 8 and 9 and in 9. Uncocking ends and roll starts between frames 9 and 10. Rolling in frame 10 & between 10 and 11. Rolling completed in frame 11 at follow through(both arms straight).
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