Sergio's start down move - I got it ! (kinda sorta)

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I can try and get that sort of lag but theres no way I can release the club, club face is WIDE open at impact if I even try. Feels like the right elbow goes down at the ball and the angle is steep. Doesnt even Tiger say he tries to feel like he straightens the right arm early in the downswing to stop it going right?

If someone can tell me how to release the club from pic 13-14 i'd be happy!

I am getting too steep with this acute of an angle. My left wrist is killing me today. You can see in frames 9-12 that I do not maintain a straight left arm.

Today I tried to keep my left arm straight, but in order to do it, I had to drop the club down to a shallower plane. It felt like I was shifting planes.

I would really like help on harnassing this accumulator lag. The power is to great for me to give up, but I need to make other adjustments to accomodate it. Any suggestions?
I don't see how anybody, or at least I, can achieve the positions in my frames 12-14 with a flat left wrist though.

long drivers do it by gripping it really strong.

how charles howell and sergio do it ijust dont know. lots of unrolling and i'd guess something towards wedding ring up, but not as extreme
long drivers do it by gripping it really strong.

I've played about with that and when you hit it flush, bang, must be like the OP is feeling but 3 times out of 4 I either wouldnt release it because it felt SOOOO shut at the top, like it was going way left or then I would and it would go dead left

I dunno, I felt the power but I kinda had the feeling either I had to have learnt to play that way since I was about 10 years old or would have to sit on the range for a million balls to trust it on the course. To me I just couldnt be consistent with it. I'll take 10-15 yards less and keep it in play
How to release lag (my version...:))

The difference between fully lagged and released is two basic movements...

1) At approach to impact, your back of your left hand is roughly parallel (more inside to be honest) to the target line, with your left thumb pointing away from the target...
Therefore in order to square the clubface, you'll need to get your hand in a "thumbs up" position (but with a flat or palmer flexed wrist), i.e. rotate it 90 degrees or so anti clockwise....

2) Now, on top of that, your left wrist goes from cocked (radially flexed) to fully uncocked, with the wrist cocked down (ulna deviated)....
The combination of the two above gives the ideal hand position at impact...

Therefore, from maximum lag, it becomes important to work on increasing the speed that the two above "release" thenselves into the ideal position....

For 1) above, you can practice "thumbing a lift" to the left, making sure you don't over-rotate the thumb, i.e so it is pointing more towards the target than upright through can increase your speed with this movement quite rapidly...

For 2) above, the fastest way to release the left wrist cock is to use the right have a flat left wrist right?....your right forearm can rotate clockwise pretty smartly without affecting the FLW....Rotation in this manner pushes the left wrist into ulna deviation very quickly..

The two moves above will release any amount of lag accurately with a bit of practice....
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