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Ben has a DVD on how to use the mat efectively.
On one page!
I'm not trying to turn this into a Tiger debate, but when the best in the world are in awe it's hard to deny how good he is.
I imagine most of players are fans of his anyways. I bet they ALL realize that it's sort of like his signature is on every big fat check they take to the bank for a top 10 finish.
As for the gushing from the commentators, I'll take that over their swing commentary any day.
One of the things that did impress me while I was a Haney student was the junior program in McKinney. It was amazing to see the range crawling with kids. (some the same age as Wes in the video) and all with pretty much the same swing. The 4-5 year olds were really fun to watch. They just turn it back and turn it through. Solid shots with just a baby draw or a baby cut.
I watched a boy about Wes' age get a lesson. The entire thing lasted about 10 minutes. The kid was pumping them out there and having a ball.
I've been trying this little kids swing in front of the net with laughable good results. All wee one's seem to have this kind of swing until they are over-coached... Here's a golf clubs, here's how to grip it, hurt mr. ball.
And your right they all seem to hit draws. I agree that the best thing about the Tiger-effect is how he made golf a 'sport' and somewhat cool for everyone to play.
Here's a golf clubs, here's how to grip it, hurt mr. ball.
...I've never inserted an image (I can't even find the smiley face template), but here is a try. If this does not work, perhaps somebody can give me some instructions.
HCW, Thanks for the instructions. My mistake was inserting the url for the web page and not the image between the IMG thingies. I've got it now. Thanks again!