Shoot, Hold, and Rest-

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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
This kid doesn't have a chance. He loses his spine angle, swings too long and is under the sweetspot for too long in the prayer.

Actually, this was unreal to watch and i'm jealous as hell. :D
Can't say I was all that astounded by the clip, but it represents more of the "Tiger effect". 30 - 40 years ago you rarely saw kids "taking up the game" at age 3. It's much more common place now because golf is "cool" (thanks to you-know-who). And..... there is a much greater emphasis (and availability) of decent instruction.... even if it's just from Dad's who frequent forums like this and have a clue as to what they're doing. :)

This kid's impressive but he's one of many (including some girls that I've seen) out there now.
I'm not trying to turn this into a Tiger debate, but when the best in the world are in awe it's hard to deny how good he is.

I imagine most of players are fans of his anyways. I bet they ALL realize that it's sort of like his signature is on every big fat check they take to the bank for a top 10 finish. :)

As for the gushing from the commentators, I'll take that over their swing commentary any day.

I actually feel like I SHOULD turn this into another Tiger debate.........but I'm not even going to.

(I'm getting sick of talking about him)

:rolleyes: :)
One of the things that did impress me while I was a Haney student was the junior program in McKinney. It was amazing to see the range crawling with kids. (some the same age as Wes in the video) and all with pretty much the same swing. The 4-5 year olds were really fun to watch. They just turn it back and turn it through. Solid shots with just a baby draw or a baby cut.

I watched a boy about Wes' age get a lesson. The entire thing lasted about 10 minutes. The kid was pumping them out there and having a ball.
I've been trying this little kids swing in front of the net with laughable good results. All wee one's seem to have this kind of swing until they are over-coached... Here's a golf club, here's how to grip it, hurt mr. ball.
And your right they all seem to hit draws. I agree that the best thing about the Tiger-effect is how he made golf a 'sport' and somewhat cool for everyone to play.
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Haney's Ranch

One of the things that did impress me while I was a Haney student was the junior program in McKinney. It was amazing to see the range crawling with kids. (some the same age as Wes in the video) and all with pretty much the same swing. The 4-5 year olds were really fun to watch. They just turn it back and turn it through. Solid shots with just a baby draw or a baby cut.

I watched a boy about Wes' age get a lesson. The entire thing lasted about 10 minutes. The kid was pumping them out there and having a ball.


I was hangin around Haney's place in McKinney about the same time period.... early to mid 90's wasn't it? You had those bags of Titleis range balls in the shop in bags with O'Meara's, Tway's, etc name on them. Seemed like one of the Kuehne's (usually Hank or Kelli) was always there beating balls. And they really did have a good program...... that little 9-hole course there was a perfect venue for kids tourneys.

I still see the same stuff in Dallas at some of the lesser known ranges in the area. Little kids, lots of A-D-D, and they just "turn-and-burn". It's a hoot to watch.
Otto, I bet you saw my son at the HH golf ranch. We spent our time there down at the creek end. Are you still in McKinney? If so, I think Nick's picture is going to be in the neighborsgo section of the Dallas Morning News in the morning, or in a subsequent edition. His swing isn't as good/fluid as the 4-year old's, but he's coming along. It is a small world!
Wow Robo and Watson!!

What a small world!!


I was working with Holly back in the 90's. Hank gave me a couple of lessons back then too. It was incredible to see that many kids with good golf swings. It was a good time and a really good facility. The nine hole course was a blast. At the end of the day, the range would look like there had been a blizzard because of all the golf balls covering the range. I had never seen that many golf balls.

I remember one weekend in January, hitting balls out of a stall with the snow falling, but being comfortable with the heater glowing and building up a little sweat working on my swing. It was one of those days that I will never forget. The world was right and the golf was great.

I hit A LOT of golf balls at the HH Golf Ranch!!

Does Haney still have a good junior program or did that end when the Ranch closed up? Is there anyone else in Dallas doing good things with the kids?


How old is your son and who did he work with at the Golf Ranch?? I was working with Peter Murphy before I found out about Brian. Does your son still take lessons at one of the other Haney locations? I have heard that the other locations are not nearly as nice as the ranch was. Last I heard, Peter was the teaching pro at Stonebridge Ranch.

I was really saddened when I heard they tore the Ranch down. I live in Lubbock and it was so easy to drive down, stay in the little ranch house, and get a weekend of lessons. For several years I drove down one weekend every month. Granted, I didn't get the lessons I get from Brian, but I didn't know any better and it was a great place to work on your game.

Does the Dallas Morning News have an online version? I would be interested to see if I recognize your son from the Ranch.

I truly believe that if Brian had a facility like the Golf Ranch we would never get a lesson with him because he would be so busy. Plus, I'll bet he could put a junior program together that would create some amazing players.

Chris Sturgess

New member
I've been trying this little kids swing in front of the net with laughable good results. All wee one's seem to have this kind of swing until they are over-coached... Here's a golf clubs, here's how to grip it, hurt mr. ball.
And your right they all seem to hit draws. I agree that the best thing about the Tiger-effect is how he made golf a 'sport' and somewhat cool for everyone to play.

I bet that kid could totally outdrive you. ;)
Otto, I moved to Stonebridge just so that I could be close to the HHGR back in 2000. My wife and I were members before that. I never cared much for Haney's demeanor. I saw him giving dozens of lessons over the years and nobody ever looked like they were having much fun. IMO, Tim Cusik was the best instructor out at HHGR. He is director of instruction over at TPC Los Colinas now. He is almost as good of a guy as Brian! He helped my wife immeasurably. I'm a bad student with stubborn habits, so I just had her take lessons. Like you , I spent a lot of time there. I loved chipping to the practice green down by Rowlet Creek. It was like my own private facility many times down there. It was my happy place.

The HHGR was a great facility! I never imagined sprawl overtaking it so soon. Perhaps if the recession had hit just a few months earlier, we'd still have this facility. I drive by it many times each week. It is depressing to see it got to pot. I understand that this was Audie Murphy's ranch back in the day.
HH has a program just up from the former HHGR @ Westridge, but that facility was an undersized sand pit the last time I was there. Perhaps it has been improved. HH has a few other facilities scattered about the metroplex as well. I understand that the one in Lewisville is decent, but nothing approaching the former McKinney facility. For now, we are using the Golf Academy @ Castle Hills. They do have some junior programs, but we have not participated in them yet. Eldridge Miles, who I understand spent time with Hogan, is a teacher out there. What a pure ball striker he is. I can sit and watch him hit balls forever! I've even seen Kathy Witworth out there giving a clinic. CHGA is the closest thing I've found to HHGR in the North Dallas area.

Nicholas is just about to be 8. The picture of him that won the DMN neighborsgo photo contest was taken at HHGR back in the spring of 2006. It did not appear in the paper today, so perhaps it will be in next Saturday. I've never inserted an image (I can't even find the smiley face template), but here is a try. If this does not work, perhaps somebody can give me some instructions.
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great pic

...I've never inserted an image (I can't even find the smiley face template), but here is a try. If this does not work, perhaps somebody can give me some instructions.


the code is

and substitute "url" with the location of the picture, in this case:



Rhythm............I believe this kid's rhythm is the essential Homer talked about so often and why he thought it was so essential !
HCW, Thanks for the instructions. My mistake was inserting the url for the web page and not the image between the IMG thingies. I've got it now. Thanks again!
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Otto, Thanks - I hope he is much better than his old man. I'd give anything to have Brian bring him along. Something tells me Nick and Brian will cross paths in the future.
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