short-VIDEO REQUESTS *moved temp.*

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quote:posted - 11/28/2004 : 13:03:47

Originally posted by Powerdraw

Originally posted by dclaryjr

Originally posted by Powerdraw

3-right shoulder thrust (please all, vote for right shoulder thrust as a top5!!!lol, gives direction to the hands remember?)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't remember. Got a Yellow Book ref for that?


7-13..."when the shoulder moves on the same downstroke plane as the hands it provides its greatest support and its best guidance to the stroke."

i would like to see the "turn the shoulder too the ball" wich seems to be what 7-13 is all about


I would argue that using the word "thrust" with shoulder movement is incorrect. There is a "thrust" motion used by a "hitter" but it's the straightenng of the trail arm which used the right shoulder as a base. Mind you this is coming from a Jedi wannabe!

I think it's been argued before that right shoulder thrust is what really drives accumulator #4. I could be wrong though, for I am only a novice Jedi myself;)
quote:Originally posted by brianman


Since there has been talk about all the mini-videoo explanations, I will post 5 small ones to the leading 5 requests.


Swinger's motions of the following:

1) Right forearm pickup from adjusted address
2) Start down and club throw out to impact
3) Release of flat left wrist post impact
4) Down line full swing
5) Front full swing
1. Right forearm pickup; 2. right shoulder thrust and 3. creating and maintaining flying wedges from setup through impact
these may be too broad.
Difference between hitter and swinger
right arm pickup
downswing for both hitter and swinger
a slow motion swing for both the hitting motion and the swinging motion or a segmented one for each so we can see each swing at its various points.
No requests in the last couple of days, so I counted:

1. Right forearm pickup 14
2. Flying wedges 6
3. Right shoulder move (thrust) 5
4. Different hingings 4
T5. Hitting motion 2
T5. Hitting vs. swinging 2
T5. Triggers 2

9 other requests got 1 vote each.

edited: triggers actually had 2 votes and with the 5 Oklahoma votes it's all the way up there with the best:)


quote:Originally posted by Ringer

That's too bad. The triggers would have helped almost everybody. :(

Okay, I'll cast Oklahoma's 5 votes for Triggers!

How about a video that shows where the "center" of the swing is and why? (sorry, couldn't resist :))
On the 12th day of Christmas the Golf Gods gave to me:
One Forearm Pick-up,Two Flying Wedges,3 Types of Hinges,4 Basic Delivery Paths,5 Examples of Releases, 6 ways to maintain 2 K, 7 Birdies in a round, 8 One putts in a round, 9 Back to Back lessons with Yoda, 10 Rounds of golf in one week, 11 Pressure Point combinations and Educated Hands to accomplish all this..............


Hands and arms going to and at finish. Finish is one of the three stations but almost never discussed. Not the Manzella version with the wedding ring pointing up. I don't have any bling bling.
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