another thing about going sidesaddle, you have to commit, the results will come. i understand that can be hard if you play a lot of tournament golf. it feels odd at first, and yet somehow it seems right?
when i first started putting i was a conventional putter like everybody else, i was initially quite bad. i would slam putts past the hole, leave them short, completely miss my aim line, stub the putter into the ground etc.. over time and practice i got better and getting my ball rolling and toward the target.
that is my point, if you try sidesaddle at first you might miss your line, hit the ground with the club head, cus you're looking at the hole, roll the ball to far, etc. but after a while it will all become natural and all those early mistakes from trying something new will disappear, and what you will be left with is the most simple putting stroke and method that works!
give it a go, but make an honest commitment, pick up a putter and try it, get one that is reverse shafted; and like I've mentioned previously you can get the for around 50bucks or less.