Sling shot release

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I think this mite be helpfull for me how is it done?.I have trouble on my downswing coming under my backswing.I seem to come down the same plane or over it..Help anyone?...joe

Brian Manzella

joeparr said:
I think this mite be helpfull for me how is it done?.I have trouble on my downswing coming under my backswing.I seem to come down the same plane or over it..Help anyone?...joe

Have you ever seen the fiddle drill?

I will try to post it tonight.

Anyway, in the mean time, try to let your arms just FALL from the top.

Gravity works downward ;) and so will the Power Package (arms/hands/club) if you let it.

As it is dropping, "catch it" with your pivot.

rwh did this the other day with great results.
The fiddle drill really shows how little the arms need to work in the downswing. Words don't do justice to how great this drill is. It will transform your game.

Brian Manzella


dodger said:
The fiddle drill really shows how little the arms need to work in the downswing. Words don't do justice to how great this drill is. It will transform your game.

Oh, it's not all that.

But, thanks.

It WILL do this:

It will show you WHAT
It will show you THE POSSIBLE!

But, the translation is difficult, becuase the wrists are more free with the "Fiddle Grip."
Brian Manzella said:
Have you ever seen the fiddle drill?

I will try to post it tonight.

Anyway, in the mean time, try to let your arms just FALL from the top.

Gravity works downward ;) and so will the Power Package (arms/hands/club) if you let it.

As it is dropping, "catch it" with your pivot.

rwh did this the other day with great results.

Posted this to RWH on another thread but it seems appropiate hear."Would the fiddle drill and drop the arms drill be compatible with each other. They seem to be doing some of the same things or would the two be working in opposite of each other."

I like both drills but dont want to be conterproductive, juding from your post above I would say they work together?

Thanks in advance.

The reason why I am so enthusiastic about the fiddle drill is that it is the first drill that has provided me the feel of the proper transition for a swinger. I have a fatal flaw in my swing of dropping the club from the top with my hands under the plane. Whenever I thought "drop", it would accentuate this flaw. The fiddle drill gives me the feel that the right shoulder drives the hands down plane, maintains lag and generally has prevented me from misusing my arms and hands in the transition. I had not recieved this feel in any other drill I have tried for this part of the swing. I think it is great if you have my problem indicated above.


The "Drop and Catch" and the "Yellow Brick Road" drills are shown on Never Hook Again.
Which hip or part of the body catches the dropping of the hands or arms in the fiddle drill, like when you drop your hands what is your thought next?????

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
No body part "catches" it. It is more of a feeling. More like your pivot is moving and your arms are falling and when they meet up BAM!!!
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