Softest ball / longest ball

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Ok, I will go peruse the internet and research this question then. Silly me, I feel like such a dunce posting this question on a golf forum board.
Why re-hash what is widely available on the internet? Lots of ball surveys and reviews available.

Why not post a link then. Save us all some time since you know where to go.

All kinds of questions get asked here that you could "google". Lighten up dude.
Curtis, I'm amazed that a simple honest comment that suggests asking a forum like this to name the ball that spins the most, is in my opinion, a waste of time causes you to tell me to lighten up. It's my opinion. It should not offend someone on a forum to hear a contrary opinion or comment. It's a forum for goodness sake. Might not be politically correct, but so what.

No, I'm not posting links. Search criteria might be something like "Golf Ball Review"!
It may be a waste of time to YOU but it may be valuable to others. If it was a waste of time, why did you even make a comment?

Judging by his response to yours, I would say he was slightly offended. I'm sure others would have been as well. JMO
I think a regular Pro V1 is about the spinnniest ball out there (too spinny for me).

There are a LOT of long balls, since some of the cheap two piece balls go forever.

For a good combination of spin and distance, I really like the TM TP Red (especially at $55/2 dozen). That said, I found a B330rx the other day and the ball was very impressive.
I heard Lady Precepts were spinny. Or was it Laddie?

I've played the Lady Precept on a few cold winter days. They spin pretty darn good.

As for "spinny" balls, if you've got the club head speed, it's hard to find a ball that spins better than the Pro-V1. They spin too much sometimes. I am sort of stuck between the Pro-V1 and the Pro-V1x. I like the spin of the Pro-V1 around the greens with short pitches and chips, but full wedges are tough. I'm not good enough to be able to dial spin down and I'm not very consistent moving up one club and swinging easier. The Pro-V1x gives me a little more margin for error if that makes sense.

Now....I did play a round with the Srixon Z-Star and I was impressed. Good distance and good spin. It felt nice off of the putter too. I could play this ball.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Price and distance aside, what is the easiest ball to spin?

probably the nike one tour

Price and spin aside, what is the longest ball?

if we're talking legal balls, probably one of the 2 piece distance balls. Do a search for golf digest ball test; they tested a bunch of 2/3/4 piece balls on driver, wedge, and i think 9 iron and posted the launch angles and spin data in a graph.

My ideal ball that i play is the cally tour i, very very long ball off the tee but can still spin it plenty around the green w/o having to work at it.
Like some one else mentioned, I also like the TM reds and Bridgestone 330s balls as well. Great combos for me.
I have played the Gamer - Callaway-like dimpling....good distance (when struck properly)...I liked it around the greens - for me, not much of a drop-off from the premium balls....just tried the Bridgestone 330 series - like that one also....
I've played the gamer, it's okay, but an even better buy for the money is the Top Flite D2 Feel, they're $15 for 15 balls. . . now they don't spin like a premium ball, but they're soft and have pretty good distance. Good ball if you're on a budget.
I've played the gamer, it's okay, but an even better buy for the money is the Top Flite D2 Feel, they're $15 for 15 balls. . . now they don't spin like a premium ball, but they're soft and have pretty good distance. Good ball if you're on a budget.


But if we are now talking about good balls for the money, then the Wilson Staff Zip needs to get a recommendation. VERY soft for a non-eurethane ball, 3 piece, doesn't spin much off the driver, and cheap.
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