Special setup for the disabled etc.

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Do you retain the rt. wrist angle by trying to hold it or do you make certain moves that makes it happen?

That's a good question.

There are several types of right sided swing models, so it just depends.

You'd have to ask Lynn what he does in that regard, although one model I can demonstrate that is similar to Lynn's excellent swing doesn't require any special moves in the down swing other than really focusing on keeping the rt. hand bent back.

In this swing, I focus on the angle right at the base of the bent back rt. hand all the way THROUGH impact. And I'm monitoring the base of the rt. hand from the takeaway on back.

I sent Brian an entire 12 pic sequence of this swing, but unfortunately it was never made available here.

If you go to the link below my sig., you can see the bent back right wrist.

Some here said that can't be a hit because the angle is too great, but it is indeed a hit. I found it helpful to actually force my rt. wrist backward at odd times during the day to entrain in my mind how great a backward angle I wanted.

In the rt. hand models, the job of the lower body is basically zilch!

You can hit the ball as straight as anyone in the history of golf if you do things right.

All the best.
I have a device similar to Greg Normans secret that maintains the bent wrist angle. Do you think that it would be usefull in working with it to establish the right feel! It is ackward to put on but it is pliable so I think If I fiddle with it I can make it fit my hand proerlly and take the grip I want. By the way showing that picture is just making me jealous. That is a great position to get in. In the old days I would get there ( some times) but didn't know how. If it was a driver it was very desirable. If it was a iron I would fly the greens by more than 20 yards. I would never know if I could count on the extra distance for the next iron play in the round.Golf does not reward a shot that goes too long past the greens.

Davel, make sure you register on Lynn's site. Some of the forums are hidden. You can view Ted Fort's down the line Hitting motion with a pitching wedge. I believe it is in the TGM basic section. Ted is as pure a hitter as you can find.
The Ted Forte as a model does seem very appropriate as to the body motion I can see down the line especially his trail foot staying on the ground at impact. The swing itself looks very simple. I wonder how many years it took him to learn it. He is however using a hitting motion. Brian feels I can get away with a swinging motion. Either way I will take it if I can get some improvements in distance and more consistency on my better shots. Currentlly I am spending some time just taking short irons and hitting the balls just trying to achieve impact with a forward leading shaft and a divot after the ball. When I suceed I am trying to feel or see what motion I am using to get at this position. I am trying to use the aiming point of where my hands should be at impact as my guiding point. I am not really trying to pay any any to whether I am hitting or swing. Just compress the ball.I am digging up the practice range. Hopefully they will not kick me out.

If you are absolutely clear on everything you need to do in a golf swing and b) if you have already hit a lot of balls over the years...results should be nearly perfect WITHIN minutes. I can't fathom the thinking such as "it takes 90 days to make a slight grip change, etc.).

If the golf ball doesn't behave, something is wrong. Anyway, that's how I feel. Invariably the problem is a technical one because of a misunderstanding on my part, once that misunderstanding is removed, I fully expect the very next ball will be well struck.

An exception to this would be swing models that are convuluted/idiosyncratic (sp). They are doable, but take a bit longer.

However, if you haven't hit a LOT of balls, accurate knowledge is not sufficient as your body/nerves/mind is still learning how to make golf swings.

First of all I would haave to say that your confessions of a flipper is a excellent video. I found that I could hit short pitch shots more distance than my full swing the first time I tried it! Now I in my older days I would use my trail right knee to start my downswing pivot. I actually pretended I had a rear knee and kicked in the artificial leg using my rear hips and got the leg to move in. I think in your video the transport mechanism starts with your lower body. Should I think upper body to get to impact? I know I have to make sure my head stays back which is not easy. You indicated you could swing on just your left leg and would demonstrate it. Are you up to the challenge of doing your chip shop on your front leg and making a video. Divot way in front of the ball. I didn't know you had your own physical problems but it sounds from you pod show you are recovered enough to demonstrate this.

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